Homeopathic remedy Antomonium Tartaricum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Tart. Emetic. STAPE. 2[K(Sb O) C4 H4 O] H2 O.


      Confusion of the head; with feeling as if he ought to sleep.

The child will not allow itself to be touched without whining and crying.

Bad humor. Bronchial catarrh.

Wild gaiety toward evening.

Apprehensive and restless.

Dreads being left alone, lest he should be very nervous.

Mental excitement.

Frightened at every trifle.


      Vertigo : on closing the eyes; on walking; with flickering before the eyes; when lifting the head, must lie down.

Heaviness of head.

Inner Head

      Headache, as from a band compressing the forehead.

Pressive pains in the forehead, stitching extending downwards into left eye.

Throbbing in right side of forehead.

Painful drawing in the right temple, extends down to the zygoma and upper jaw.

Tearing pains in the head.

Stitches in left parietal bone on stooping, extending forwards.

Trembling of the head, particularly when coughing.

Outer Head

      Scalp very sensitive, with heaviness, of head.


      Flickering before the eyes.

Sees only as through a thick veil. Vanishing of sight.

Dim, swimming eyes. Diarrhoea.

Inflammation of conjunctiva, with much lachrymation.

Eyeballs pain, as if bruised.

Eyes feel tired, as if the lids would close.

Inclination to press the lids tightly together.

Ophthalmia rheumatica or arthritica.


      Roaring in the ears.

Fluttering before the left ear, as from a large bird; at same time warmth of ear.

Twitching, tearing in right concha. evening, on lying down; disappears in bed.


      Sneezing, fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell.

Stoppage of nose, alternating with fluent coryza.

Nosebleed, followed by fluent coryza with sneezing.

Stupefying tension over root of nose, as from a band.


      Face : pale, sunken; pale, puffed, with coma; bluish.

Tearing pain in whole side of face, even head and neck of that side. Rheumatic toothache.

Burning heat of face.

Cold sweat on face.

Warm sweat on forehead and head from efforts to vomit.

Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face.

Lower Face

      Lips dry, scurfy.

Itching vesicles on lips.

Burning, as from hot coal, on right side of chin.


      Violent toothache in the morning.

Rheumatic toothache of intermittent type.

Gums bleed.

During dentition catarrhal hyperaemia.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : flat; salty; sour; bitter; as from rotten eggs.

Food seems tasteless. Tobacco has no taste.

Tongue : red, in streaks; very red, and dry in centre; covered with thick, white, pasty coat; coated very thinly white, with reddened papillae, red edges.

Difficult, even painful, to move the tongue.


      Mouth so sore, can scarcely swallow, morning after rising.

Small circular patches like small-pox pustules, in and upon the mouth and tongue.


      Sensation of soreness on posterior part of palate when not swallowing.

Much mucus in throat, with short breathing.

Roughness in throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed the windpipe on hawking.

Swallowing painful or impossible.

Desires Aversions

      Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cold water.

Desire for acids.

Much thirst, drinks little and often, or, absence of thirst.

Appetite diminished.

No desire for his tobacco.

Eating and Drinking

      Food relieves, somewhat, the pressure in the abdomen.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Violent hiccough.

Eructations : empty; acid; bitter; salty, nauseous fluid, taste of the food taken.

Qualmishness in stomach after dinner.

Nausea : causing anxiety; with slight pressure in pit of stomach, followed by headache in forehead; and incessant vomiting whole night, with diarrhoea; then yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by vomiting.

Vomiting in any position, except lying on right side; with headache, trembling of hands; with great effort.

Vomit : green; tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, then fluid, mixed with bile.

Vomiting is followed with great languor, drowsiness, loathing, desire for cooling things. Diarrhoea.

Retching, then vomiting, followed by great prostration.


      Sensation as if stomach had been “overloaded;” eructations frequent, like foul eggs; sleep restless.

Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense.

Cramps in the stomach.

Pressure in pit of stomach.

Beating and throbbing, particularly in pit of stomach or abdomen, with great concern about the future.


      Region of liver sensitive to touch.

Icterus with pneumonia, especially of the right lung.


      Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard.

Pressure and aching in hypogastrium, with cold shivers.

Violent colic, as if the bowels would be cut to pieces.

Violent cutting and labor-like tearing, from above downwards across groins, through thighs down to knees.

Colic around the umbilicus.

Violent burning soreness in right groin.

Shifting of flatulence, with rumbling in bowels, diarrhoea.

Stool etc.

      Stitches in the rectum.

Copious alvine evacuation.

Stools; yellowish-brown; thin, bilious, mucous; liquid greenish, with heat at the anus; slimy, appear like yeast; of cadaverous smell.

Desire for stool ineffectual, through the bowels seem full and pressing.


      Urine : dark brownish-red, turbid, of strong odor; becomes cloudy and deposits a violent-colored earthy sediment; scanty, last drops bloody, violent pains in the bladder; albuminous.

Burning in the urethra during, also after urinating.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too early, weak, and only for two days.

Before menses; pain in the groins and cold creepings.

Leucorrhoea of watery blood, worse when sitting; comes in paroxysms.

Pustules on external genitals.


      Gastric derangements—vomiting of mucus; belching; disgust for food; salivation.

Child at birth pale breathless, gasping, although the cord still pulsates. Asphyxia neonatorum.


      Voice weak and changed in the evening.

Hoarseness in the morning, worse on talking.

Rattling of mucus when coughing or breathing.

Much rattling of mucus in trachea; cannot get it up.

Rattling, originating in upper bronchia, can be heard at a great distance. Bronchial catarrh.

Catarrhal croup, croup of adults.

Bronchiectasis and senile catarrh.


      Rapid; short; heavy and anxious.

Dyspnoea; must be supported in a sitting posture.

Suffocated and oppressed about 3 A.M., must sit up to get air; after cough and expectoration she became better.

Child breathless and pale when born.

Great difficulty in expiration.

Respiration with great rattling of mucus.


      Coughing and gaping consecutively.

Cough, if children get angry, also after eating; child vomits food and mucus.

Short cough with a shrill sound. Bronchial catarrh.

Cough compels the patient to sit up, is moist and rattling, but no expectoration.

Catarrh provokes cough, though she had no power to cough.

Gasping for air, before every attack of cough.

Cough : with copious frothy expectoration or without expectoration.

Cough grows less frequent, patient shows signs of “carbonized blood”.

Scraping cough, with pus-like expectoration.

Bloody, slimy expectoration after haemoptysis.


      Chest seems full of phlegm, without ability to expectorate it.

Anxious, with oppression of the chest and rising of warmth from the heart.

So warm about the heart that she must let the arms sink down with general weakness.

Full feeling of the chest. Constriction of chest.

OEdema of the lungs. Broncho-pneumonia.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation of the heart.

Great precordial anxiety, with vomiting of mucus and bile.

Pulse : hard and quick, in old people; rapid; weak and

trembling; small, contracted.

Outer Chest

      Crawling as of insects above the left mamma.

Neck Back

      Does not like anything to touch him; inclination to unbutton the collar of his shirt.

Cramp in the muscles of the neck.

Pain in the back as from fatigue, especially after eating and while sitting.

Sharp stitches in the region of kidneys on moving arms.

Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region; the slightest effort to move causes retching and cold, clammy sweat.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing and stitching pains.

Pain as from dislocation, in the right shoulder.

Trembling of the hands.

Hands cold and moist.

Finger tips appear dead, dry and hard : without sensation.

Lower Limbs

      Numbness and coldness in the legs.

Tension in the hamstrings on walking.

Rheumatic pains about the hips, thighs and calves.

Feet go “to sleep” immediately after sitting down.

Weariness in the feet. Cold feet.

Limbs in General

      Weakness; insensibility and coldness; heaviness.

Constant inclination to touch.

Rheumatic and bruised sensation in limbs, on and shortly before rising.

Position etc.

      On lying down :. Sitting : Lifting the head : Rising :. Stooping : Motion : Moving the arms : Inclined to stretch :. Walking : Lying on right side :.


      Trembling : of whole body; internal; of head and paralytic trembling of hands on every motion.

Great restlessness. Bronchial catarrh.

Great weakness and lassitude.

Great prostration and sluggishness of the body.


Alternation of unsteadiness and syncope.


      Yawning; great sleepiness; irresistible inclination to sleep.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.