Homeopathic remedy Aloe Socotrina drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Socotrine Aloes. HELBIG. Liliaceae.


      Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity.

Great disinclination to mental labor; it fatigues him; general languor.


Ill-humored; hypochondriacal, worse in cloudy weather.

Hates people, repels everyone.

Restlessness, with ebullitions of blood.

After a nocturnal emission, fright at slight noises.


      Vertigo : as if everything whirled with her, worse on going up stairs or turning quickly; with anxiety when moving; everything seems insecure; better after nasal catarrh sets in.

Inner Head

      Congestion to head, compelling one to sit up.

Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea; must make the eyes small.

Obtuse frontal headache, incapacity for all mental work.

Weight on the vertex; pressure in the forehead and occiput.

Dull, pressive pain : in supraorbital region; in sinciput.

Pressing outwards to the temples, with periodic heat of the face and flickering before the eyes.

Stitches in the temples aggravated by every footstep.

Headache after insufficient stool; with abdominal pains.

Headaches with gastro-intestinal irritation and with coldness of lower limbs from afflux of blood to the cerebral centres; headaches better from cold applications.

Outer Head

      Sensitiveness of the scalp in spots.

Alopecia with chronic headaches.


      Eyes glittering, somewhat red, prominent; unsteady anxious look.

Flickering before the eyes, with heat of face; scotoma. Yellow rings move before the eyes.

Dimness before the eyes while writing.

Pain deep in orbits as if in muscles, worse on right side.


      Cracking in the ears when moving in jaw.

Sticking pain in the left ear, later in the right.


      Nosebleed in bed after awaking.

Coryza, with burning and pain in the nose; on sneezing, stitches in the umbilical region.


      Heat of the face with the headache or when excited.

Face : pale during cloudy weather, sickly, sunken.

Lower Face

      Lips : redder than usual; dry cracked; moist, soreness of the borders; white scaly.


      Sensitiveness in a hollow molar; worse when eating; later a pustule appears on the gum near the diseased tooth.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : bitter, sour, like ink or iron; metallic.

Tongue : coated yellowish-white; stiff; dry, red.

Severe fine stitches, from behind forward, in the under part of the tongue when moving it.

Yellow ulcers on tongue.

Inner Mouth

      Inflamed sore spots in the mouth, on the tongue, inside of cheeks.

Sickening smell from the mouth.

Increase of saliva.

Palate and throat.

      Fauces raw, hot, as if burned.

Palate swollen : arches of the velum palati pain on chewing hard food, or on yawning, worse in the evening, and in the morning on awaking; worse on empty swallowing.

Hawking of thick, jelly-like mucus, in lumps, from fauces and posterior nares; rawness and swollen feeling in pharynx.

Desires Aversions

      Aversion to meat.

Longing for juicy articles;fruits, especially apples.

Thirst : with dryness of mouth; awakens at night.

Eating and Drinking

      Hungry during the diarrhoea; hungry after the morning stool.

Sour food does not agree.

Beer relieves pains in anus; drinking vinegar the colic.

Water causes pains in the stomach.

Has to hurry to the closet immediately after eating or drinking.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations : bitter; acrid; or sour.

Rising of flatulence toward the throat, with sensation as if vomiting were coming on.

Nausea : with frontal headache; with empty feeling in the stomach; with pain at the umbilicus.

Vomiting of blood.

Scrobiculum and Stomach

      Pain in the scrobiculum on making a false step.

Fullness in stomach, followed by distension of epigastrium.


      Painfulness in the hypochondria, with chilliness and diarrhoea; painful weakness of the legs.

Stitches from spleen into chest, or drawing into the loins.

Hepatic region : burning; uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension; dull pain; worse on standing, bends forward.

Stitches from the liver into the chest, obstructing respiration.


      Pulsation in the region of the navel.

Distension of the abdomen, especially the epigastrium, with flatus moving about; worse after meals; during menstruation; on motion.

Gurgling of flatus in descending colon; worse after eating.

Abdomen painful, especially about the navel; twisting, griping about the navel, must sit bent forward; urging to stool, with passage only of offensive flatus.

The abdominal muscles pain when rising from a recumbent posture, or when touched. When standing erect, or when pressing to stool.

Heaviness: in the hypogastrium; in the rectum; dragging down in the abdomen.

Stool etc.

      Heat, soreness and heaviness in the rectum.

Urging wakens him at night, drives out of bed at A.M.

Urging to stool, with passage of urine.

Urgency as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes, with great relief : it soon returns, with sensation of a plug wedged between the symphysis-pubis and os-coccygis.

Feces escape almost without being noticed.

Stools : small, brownish, slimy, half fluid; yellow pappy; bloody, jelly-like. mucous, and feces with much sputtering flatus; stool and urine escape together.

Lumpy, watery stool.

Diarrhoea : in hot, damp weather; evening, night and morning; from vinegar; from cold, damp room; when walking or standing; when passing urine.

Hemorrhoids protrude like grapes, with constant bearing down in rectum.

Itching and burning in anus; preventing sleep.

Weakness or loss of power of sphincter ani.


      Burning when urinating.

Frequent urging to urinate; worse at night; or in afternoon : urging so quick he can scarcely retain urine.

Urine : copious, pale, especially after stool; saffron-yellow, becoming cloudy; or scanty, or bloody.

Sediment yellowish, like bran, or slimy.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire increased.

Seminal emissions; strong desire afterward.

Testicles cold; penis small; scrotum relaxed; epididymis sensitive, especially to touch or while walking.

Itching of the prepuce.

Female Sexual Organs Fulness, heaviness in uterine region, with labor-like pains in loins and groin; worse standing.

Menses too early and too profuse.

Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus.


      Lameness, which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure into the pelvis; during pregnancy.


      Scraping in the larynx.

Voice husky; hawking.


      Whistling in the throat, as if something had fallen into the trachea.

Difficult respiration.

Respiration impeded by stitches through left side of chest.


      With stitches in the right side of the larynx; sputa of yellow, tenacious mucus; cough with scratching in the throat.


      Congestion to chest; dry cough; bloody expectoration; even in incipient tuberculosis in the young.

Front of chest feels on deep inspiration.

Weakness of the chest.

Heart Pulse

      Strong beat of the heart occasionally;pain through to the left scapula.

Pulse : accelerated; weak, suppressed after vomiting; slow in the afternoon.

Neck and Back

      Lumbago, alternating with headache; also with piles.

Stitches through the sacrum to the loins.

Pressure and heaviness in the sacral region while sitting; better from motion.

Upper Limbs

      Heaviness of right arm; weakness of wrist-joints.

Lower Limbs

      Weariness of the calves.

Weakness of the ankle-joint.

Soles of the feet pain when walking on the pavement.

Great toe feels as if sprained.

Limbs in General

      Lameness, weariness in limbs; weakness in joints; often with the abdominal disturbances.

Pains, of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (left forearm, right scapula, left ribs).

Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pains in the joints (fingers, knees, elbows).

Position etc.

      Lying : Sitting : Standing : Must sit up : Bending forward : Rising : Walking : Every step : False step : Ascending stairs : Turning quickly : Motion :.


      Paralytic drawing in the muscles.

General weakness, weariness, extreme prostration.


      Drowsy, dozing in the morning.

Awakened: by thirst; urgency to urinate; pollutions and sexual desire; pains in the back; chill.

Cannot sleep, heat and a crowd of thoughts busy him.

Oppressive dreams of danger, could not cry out; dreams of soiling himself.


      Morning: Afternoon : Evening: Night :.

Temperature and Weather

      Cloudy weather : Damp weather : Cold, damp room : Cold : Warmth : Open air :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly : with coryza, in the cold open air : at stool. shivering.

Cold hands and feel in bed, preventing sleep.

Cold hands, warm feet.

Heat in spots, on the scalp or in the face.

Ebullitions, with anxiety and restlessness.

Sweat : smells strong; offensive on the genitals; at night, after drinking.


      Sudden, quickly passing, urging to stool.

Pains of short duration.


      Right : Left : Left to right :.


      Congestion to head and chest, especially to portal system.

Mucous membranes : especially causes the production of mucus in jelly-like lumps or “cakes” Acts mainly on the rectal mucous lining.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure:.


      Itching, especially of the legs.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.