
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Terebinthina in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Oil of turpentine has a selective affinity for mucous membranes of KIDNEYS; bladder; respiration; bronchi; heart and blood. HAEMORRHAGES; passive; black, offensive, oozing from mucous membranes. Affections of kidneys, with rheumatism. Aching, soreness and stiffness of muscles. Purpura haemorrhagica. Pain; excites urination; along large nerves, with sensation of coldness in the nerves; or occasionally like hot water running through a tube. Burning, in various parts, tip of tongue; epigastrium, small of back; kidney, uterus etc. Exhausted; sensitive and tired. Disturbed sense of equilibrium. Ill effects of alcohol, falls, strains, tooth extraction. Even trifle bruises him.


      Dampness. Cold. Night. Lying. Pressure.


      Motion. Stooping.


      Difficult concentration. Intense irritability; children fly into temper; during dentition. Coma.


      As of a band around the head. Dull headache with colic.


      Blindness from alcohol. Opens eyes when swallowing; in coma. Eyes dark red; face red on affected side.


      Own voice sounds unnatural. Sensation in ears as of striking of a clock. Loud talking is Very painful.


      Passive epistaxis, in children. Discharge of serum without coryza.


      Pale; earthly; sunken. Hot flushes followed by sweat.


      Tongue; smooth; glossy; sore, red; burning in tip. Aphthae from mouth to anus. Breath, cold, foul.


      Nausea and vomiting; with intense burning. Burning in epigastric region. Nausea better loose stool. Aversion to meat.


      Bruised soreness. Flatulence. Tympanitis. Ascites. Profuse mucous stools; watery, green, foetid. Bloody stools. Worms. Bleeding from ulcers in the intestine. Bowels were drawn towards spine. Diarrhoea, with tetanic spasms.


      Burning, drawing pain in region of kidney. Burning or pain along ureters. Strangury, with bloody urine. Urine; smoky; with coffee grounds; or thick, yellow, slimy, muddy sediment; odour of violets. Nephritis; after exanthemata; with violent bronchitis. Cystitis. Bleeding bladder. Pains alternate between navel and bladder, better walking. Urine scanty; suppressed; during dentition.


      Intense burning in uterine region; with metrorrhagia. Metritis. Uterine diseases after wearing pessaries.


      Burning and tightness across chest. Bronchial asthma or catarrh; with profuse expectoration. Haemoptysis. Bloody expectoration. Bronchitis of children with drowsiness and retention of urine. Dyspnoea.


      Pulse; rapid, small, thready; intermittent.


      Backache and soreness in kidney affections.


      Hands feel swollen. Cramps in knees. Intense pain along the larger nerves; worse damp weather. Stands with feet apart; has no power of balancing the body. Muscles, stiff. Walks bent like an old man. Brachial or sub-scapular neuralgia. As if pitch forward while walking.


      Drowsiness; with retaining of urine etc.


      Heat under the skin. Cold sweat on legs.


      Purpura haemorrhagica; advancing. General sensibility increased. Unbroken chilblains; with excessive itching and pulsations.


      Canth; Erig; Phosphorus

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.