
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Sulphur in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Sulph. is a product of volcanic eruptions, found free in nature and was used from remote times to remove skin affections; therefore it is the great anti-psoric remedy. It causes irregular distribution Of CIRCULATION; causing LOCAL BURNING; THROBBING; or CONGESTION; flushes of heat; rush of blood to head, chest, heart. REDNESS OF ORIFICES or of single parts is another prominent feature due to irregular circulation; LIPS, ears, nose, eyelids, anus, vulva. NUTRITION is affected on account of defective assimilation, in spite of voracious appetite, the patient emaciates (esp. children). Child looks dried, a little old man; big head, big belly, with emaciated limbs. It is often of great use in beginning the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES, and in finishing acute ones; or when the REACTION IS DEFICIENT, when the carefully selected remedy fails to act. Mucous discharges and exhalations are acrid, blood streaked, offensive and cause itching. Serous effusions or deposits are absorbed slowly. It has an elective affinity for SKIN where it produces heat and burning with ITCHING. Patient is unable to walk erect, STOOP SHOULDERED, UNWASHED, TALL AND LEAN; UNTIDY; and BODY OFFENSIVE in spite of washing. Aversion to being washed; always worse after the bath. Dirty, filthy people prone to skin affections. Complaints that relapse. Glandular swelling, indurated, and suppurating. Weak faint spells, frequently, during the day, after nursing; or night watching; with great sleepiness. Empty, sinking feeling. Sensation of overfullness, roughness; or numbness. Epilepsy with a feeling that mouse is running up arms to back, before the fit. Child jumps, starts and screams fearfully. ASCENDING EFFECTS, rushes of blood, flushes of heat, vertigo etc. Ragged philosopher; dirty looking persons who are always speculating on religious or philosophical subjects. Everything affects the epigastrium. Burning in VERTEX AND SOLES. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Psora. Chronic alcoholism; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards. Ill effects of falls, blows, sprains, sun. Always desires to keep his bowels clean. Slight pressure causes pain, swelling and suppuration. Induration of tissues from constant pressure, corns, bedsores etc. Bunions. Never well since chest troubles. As if bed were too small to hold him. As if swinging or standing on wavering ground. Coal miner’s affections. Chorea; chronic; after suppressed eruptions.


      SUPPRESSIONS. BATHING. Milk. HEATED; BY OVER- EXERTION; IN BED; by woollens etc. Atmospheric changes. Talking. Periodically; 11 A.M. Climacteric. Full moon. Standing. stooping. Reaching high. Sweets. Looking down. Crossing running water. Vaccination. Suppressed piles.


      Open air. Motion. Drawing up affected limbs. Sweating. Dry warm weather. Lying on right side. Walking. Dry heat.


      Dull, difficult, thinking; misplaces or cannot find proper words; when talking or writing. Lazy hungry, and always tired. Childish peevishness in grown up people. Hopeful dreamers. Mean. Prying. Easily excited. Foolish happiness and pride; thinks himself in possession of beautiful things, everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to; even rags seem beautiful, or immensely wealthy. Very selfish; no regard for others. Too lazy to rouse himself and too unhappy to live. Strong tendency to religious and philosophical reveries, with fixed ideas. Disgust, upto nausea about any effluvia arising in his own body. Obstinate. Dislikes to have anyone near him. Tired of life. Strong impulsive tendency to suicide by drowning or leaping from a window (in epileptic fits worse during menses). Aversion to do mental or physical work; Loafs. Thinks that he is giving wrong things to people causing their death. Fault finding. Aversion to business. Melancholy. Sad. Absentminded. Sense of disgrace; after a delivery. Wishing to touch something; with inability to do so. Philosophical mania, wants to know who made this or that and how; tries to reason without any hope of discovery or possible answer. Imagines himself a great man, though ignorant, despises literary men and education. Weeps without cause, or slightest provocation worse consolation.


      Vertigo; in forehead; worse when crossing a river; stooping; with headache. Vertex; hot, throbs, heavy, sore. Pain, chills, pressure, etc., ascends from nape to vertex. Sick headaches recurring periodically; on even Sunday; preceded by photopsia. As of a band about or pain deep in brain. Hot head with cold feet. Hair; dry, cold, hard; falling off, worse washing. Sweaty scalp. Fontanelles remain open too long. Hydrocephalus; with convulsions, red face and pupils dilated. Head bent forward when walking.


      Burning. Cutting as from sand. Bursting pain in eyeballs. Trembling of eyes; quivering of eyelids. Objects seem more distant than they are. Halo about light. Obscuration of vision like black gauze before eyes. Retinitis caused by over use of eyes. Painful inflammation of eye from presence of foreign body. Photophobia. Keratitis; cornea like ground glass. Agglutination of lids. Oily tears. Styes and tarsal tumours. Eczema of lids. Trachoma. Opacities of vitreous.


      Deafness preceded by oversensitiveness to hearing, worse after eating and blowing nose. Swashing as of water. Purulent offensive otorrhoea; catarrhal discharge even eighth day. Ears very red; in children. As if sounds do not come through the ear but through forehead.


      Obstructed on alternate sides. Fluent burning coryza worse out of doors; stopped indoors. Tip of nose or alae nasi red; swollen worse cold. Smell before nose as from an old catarrh. Epistaxis worse at night, on lying on right side. Sensitive to smell. Imaginary odours. Freckles and black pores on nose. Frequent sneezing.


      Pale, sickly, OLD LOOKING. Circumscribed redness of cheeks. Freckled, spotted. Lips; bright red; swollen (upper), dry, rough, cracked, burning; twitching or trembling. Swollen veins on forehead. Acne. Mumps.


      Teeth; sensitive, tender. Jerking, shooting, throbbing pains in teeth. Grinding of the teeth. Gums; swollen, bleeding. Tongue; dry, tremulous; with red tip and borders. Taste; sour, sweetish, foul, bitter, in morning. Saliva; profuse, with nauseous taste. Nursing sore mouth. Food tastes like straw or too salty. Aphthae; thrush.


      Sensation; as of a lump, hair or splinter, or as of a vapour rising in. Ball seems to rise and close the pharynx. External redness. Swollen as if. Dry, exciting cough.


      Drinks much eats little. Eructations tasting like bad eggs worse eating or at night. Complete loss of appetite or ravenous appetite. Feels hungry, but when comes to the table, he loathes the food, turns away from it. Eats anything and everything. Aversion to meat. Desire for sweets, for raw food. Food tastes too salty. Milk causes sour taste and sour eructations. SUDDENLY HUNGRY AND WEAK at 11 a.m.; empty weak feeling at epigastrium. Eructations on pressing on stomach. Headache or feels tired if he does not eat often. Vomiting of indigested food or sour vomiting. Nausea during pregnancy. Sweets disagree. Heaviness in stomach.


      SORE very sensitive to pressure. Stitches in region of spleen worse coughing or deep inspiration. Stitches in region of liver. Biliary colic; and chronic or relapsing jaundice. Intestines feel as if strung in knots worse bending forward. Abdomen heavy, as of a lump. As if something moving alive; as of the fist of child. Colic after eating or drinking, obliging one to bend double worse sweet things. Bearing down against rectum. Pain, urging in and itching in rectum. Haemorrhoidal habitus; during pregnancy. Piles external and internal great bunches that are sore, tender, raw, burn, bleed and smart. Holds stools back from pain. DIARRHOEA; HURRIED; EARLY MORNING; changing; mushy; foul; painless; watery; grayish, frothy worse milk. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Habitual constipation. Odour of stool follows him as if he had soiled himself. Redness around the anus, with itching. Diarrhoea; of infants with pale face, profuse sweating, drowsiness, half open eyes, suppression of urine, spasms of limbs and the child wakes up screaming. Colicky babies. Involuntary stools on sneezing or laughing, with emission of flatus. Big belly, emaciated limbs (children). Eczema about navel. Stools flat and thin.


      Itching, burning in urethra, during micturition, lasting long after. Sudden call to urinate, must hurry. Frequent urination esp. at night. Bed wetting esp. in scrofulous, untidy children. Mucus and pus in urine. Great quantities of colourless urine; greasy particles upon it. Urination involuntary while passing flatus, or on coughing. Painful ineffectual efforts to urinate; retention; every cold settles in the bladder. Stream thin, intermits.


      Testes hang low. Seminal emission, with burning in urethra. Penis cold. Sexual power weak; impotence. Induration of testes. Foetid sweat on genitals. Exhaustion in the morning after seminal emission. Backache and weakness of the limbs after coition with sadness and irritability. Discharge of prostatic fluid after urination and stool. Seminal emission on touching a woman. Semen; odourless, watery. Hydrocele. Prepuce stiff, hard like leather, with copious smegma; causes itches.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.