Solidago Virgaurea

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Solidago Virgaurea in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Diseases arising from or complicated with DEFECTIVE FUNCTIONS OF KIDNEYS are very likely to be benefited by this remedy. It affects the digestive tract, lower limbs and blood. Feeling of weakness; chilliness, alternating with heat. Haemorrhages. Takes cold easily. Chronic nephritis. Uraemic asthma.




      Profuse urination.


      Red with enlarged prostate gland.


      Paroxysms of sneezing, with abundant mucus discharge.


      Continuous bitter taste. Tongue heavily coated, clears when urine becomes normal.


      Profuse, involuntary mucus stools.


      Urine; dark and scanty or clear, stinking voided with difficulty albuminous; mucous, phosphatic. Affections of any other part or organ complicated with these symptoms will probably find their remedy in Solidago. Kidneys; sore and tender over; ache; feel distended. Pain in kidneys extend forward to abdomen, bladder, down the thighs. Chronic nephritis. Cystitis. Enlarged prostate gland; obstructing flow of urine or inflammation of.


      Uterine enlargement, organ pressed down upon the bladder. Fibroid tumours.


      Bronchitis, cough with much purulent expectoration blood- streaked; oppressed breathing. Continuous dyspnoea. Asthma with nightly dysuria.


      Lumbar ache; makes her sick all over.


      Petechiae; on lower limbs; with oedema; and itching; Gangrene; diabetic. Eczema worse suppressed urine.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.