
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Sanicula in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      This mineral spring water affects the nutrition; female organs, rectum, neck and skin. Patients are thin and look old, esp. children. Marasmus. Body smells like old cheese. Child kicks off covers at night; wants to lie on something hard though thin. Clothes feel cold, damp. Enlarged feeling; in throat, vagina etc. Thick acrid yellow pus. Can not bear to have one part touch another; or cannot lie near another person. Bursting; in perineum, bowels, bladder; vertex, chest. Car or sea sickness. Shifting pains.


      Strain. Motion; raising arm; putting hands behind. Descending. Cold wind on occiput or neck. Jarring.


      Open air. Warmth. Vomiting.


      Headstrong, obstinate, touchy; children. Constant desire to look behind. Irritable-least word or action would upset her. Misconstrues everything. Crossness quickly alternating with playfulness; in children. Dread of downward motion. Fear of the dark. Does not want to be touched. Restless desire to go from place to place. Instability of purpose.


      Cannot bear cold air on occiput and neck. Profuse sweat on occiput and neck worse during sleep. Electric crackling in hair, when combed. Profuse scab dandruff; falling of hair. Bursting in vertex. Cold cloth around brain as if. Small boils on head that do not mature.


      Lids stick to the balls. Lachrymation in cold open air or cold application. Dandruff of the eyebrows.


      Fluent coryza worse eating. Water smells like old musty rain water.


      Tongue; large, flabby; burning, must protrude to keep it cool; ringworm on tongue. Mouth and palate covered with ulcers; white aphthae. Sides of tongue turn up. Tongue adheres to the roof.


      Cold, icy sensation in; peppermint like; feels too large. Can swallow solids better than fluids.


      Child wants to nurse all the time yet loses flesh. Craves; salt, bacon or ice cold milk. Thirst little and often; water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach. Vomiting of curdy milk. Falls asleep after vomiting. Eating causes urging for stool, must leave the table.


      Loud gurgling; pot bellied children. Stool; of one large heavy mass; foul like rotten cheese, dry, small balls, must be removed, or crumbles at the verge of anus. Pain, bursting in perineum during stools. Stools; misshapen, changeable, involuntary.


      Child cries before urinating; strains to urinate while at stools. Briny urine. Bursting in bladder with urgent call to pass urine. Frequent, profuse, sudden urination; urging ceases if desire is resisted. Urine stains diaper red.


      Briny odour of the genitals; few hours after coition.


      Leucorrhoea; with strong odour of fish-brine worse stools. Bearing down as if contents of pelvis would escape; worse jar, walking. Supports the relaxed parts by placing the hand against vulva, better rest. Vagina feels large, cannot stop menstruation. Os cervix open and dilated as if.

Neck and Back

      Neck weak and emaciated; child cannot hold its head, stiff backache worse least turning, raising arms or putting hands behind him; must turn whole body to look around, sits, head forward to ease the pain. Cold lumbar spine. Lumbago; better lying on right side. Lumbar vertebras as if dislocated, or were gliding past each other. As if back is broken in two pieces. As if damp cloth on sacrum.


      Pain in shoulders worse raising arms or putting them behind back. Cold clammy hands and feet. Burning of palms and soles. Cramps in feet. Foul foot sweat; chafes toes, destroys shoes or stiffens the hose. Feet as if in cold water. Hands become sweaty when putting them together.


      On awakening child rubs eyes and nose with its fist. Dreams of robbers.


      Sweat sticky.


      Dry, brownish, flabby worse neck. Fissured hands and fingers. Skin about neck wrinkled and hangs in folds. Tendency to small boils which do not mature.


      Lyc; Psor; Sulph.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.