Sanguinaria Canadensis

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Sanguinaria Canadensis in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977…….


      Commonly known as blood root, is a RIGHT SIDED remedy, affecting the head, LIVER; chest and deltoid. It produces VASO-MOTOR DISTURBANCES, as is seen in circumscribed redness of the cheeks, abdomen, tongue etc.; congestion of blood to head, chest, abdomen etc.; flushes of heat and general pulsations. BURNING HEAT AND EBULLITIONS. Mucous membranes become dry. Burning; in throat, under sternum; spots or stitches in chest; palms and soles. Burnt feeling; in tongue. Symptoms ascend or end in bilious vomiting. Internal rawness. Acrid, blood streaked or foul discharge. Lies on back with head elevated. Climacteric disorders. Bilious. Pains increase and decrease with the sun. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea. Polypi, nasal, uterine. Fungus excrescences. Sick and faint from odour of flowers. Pains in places where bones are least covered.


      Periodically-with sun; weekly; night. Climaxis. Odours. Jar. Light. Sweets. Motion. Looking up. Touch. Raising arms.


      Sleep. Lying on back. Vomiting. Cool air. Passing flatus. Sour things. Lying on left side.


      Irritable, morose. Grumbling. Borrows trouble. Lassitude, indisposed to move or make any mental effort.


      Pain over right eye; or ASCENDING FROM OCCIPUT TO OVER RIGHT EYE. Hemicrania, increases and decreases with the sun. Distension of veins in the temples. Pain in the occiput like a flash of lightning. Vertigo worse looking up and moving head rapidly. Headache if he goes without food. Headache better sleep, vomiting and passing of copious flow of urine.


      Burning in. Eyeballs painful on moving them. Hard swelling over eyebrows. Lachrymation with coryza, tears hot.


      Burning in. Earache, with headache. Humming and roaring in the ear; painfully sensitive to sounds, at climaxis.


      Pain at the root of nose. Coryza; stopped, then diarrhoea. Nasal polypi. Rose-cold, with subsequent asthma. Sensitive to odours. Loss or perverted sense of smell, smell in nose like roasted onion.


      Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush, red cheeks. Neuralgia in upper jaw; radiating, better by kneeling down and pressing the head firmly on the floor. Fullness and tenderness behind angle of jaw.


      Burnt feeling in tongue. Anterior tongue looks red like raw beef. Sweet things taste bitter. Palate feels scalded. Toothache from picking teeth.


      Sore, swollen, (right); pains to ear and chest. Burning worse eating sweet things. Dryness of singers.


      Craves; spices; knows not for what. Aversion to butter. Nausea; with salivation; worse sneezing or blowing nose, better eating; followed by urticaria. Spitting of bile; gastroduodenal catarrh. Stomach pains to right shoulder.


      Tension in epigastrium. Feeling as of hot water pouring from breast to abdomen followed by diarrhoea. Bilious, liquid, gushing stools. Flatulent distension; with escape of flatus from vagina. Jaundice. Cancer of rectum.


      Urine dark yellow, with jaundice. Copious and frequent, clear worse at night.


      Climacteric disorders; esp. flushes of heat and foetid, acrid leucorrhoea. Soreness under nipple (right). Menses; offensive, profuse. Uterine polypi. Mammae sore; and enlarged; at climaxis.


      Larynx, full and dry; in singers. Cough; raises foul air; dry; from tickling behind the sternum; must sit up in bed; passes flatus with; better from passing flatus up and down. Expectoration; tough, rusty coloured, purulent; which worse. Burning in chest; as of a hot steam extending to abdomen, with cough. Cough, after influenza or whooping cough; returns after every fresh cold. Pain in right chest (from breast) to shoulder. Pneumonia. Phthisis. Asthma; from disturbed digestion, with acrid eructations.


      Weak feeling; irregular action.


      Itching in axilla worse before menses. Cutting pain or stiffness in right deltoid worse raising or turning arm. Rheumatism of right shoulder and left hip joint. Pain in shoulder worse night. Pain in bone near surface. Neuritis better by touching the part. Burning of palms and soles, worse covers; at climaxis. Palms wrinkled. Aching and swelling of ball of thumb (right). Pain in arm better swinging arm to and fro.


      Flushes of heat, rising into face and head; with headache. Sweat; burning, scanty.


      Dry; of jaundice. Acne; with scanty menses. Prickling heat spreading over body.


      Bell; Phosphorus


      Ant-t; Phosphorus

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.