
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Phosphorus in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Phosphorus causes inflammation and degeneration of the MUCOUS MEMBRANES; OF STOMACH AND BOWELS; inflames the spinal cord and NERVES; causing paralysis; disorganises the blood; causing fatty degeneration of BLOOD VESSELS and every tissue and organ of the body; thus it produces a picture of destructive metabolism. It is suited to those young people who, grow rapidly and inclined to stoop. Chorea of children who grow too fast. Tall, slender persons of sanguine temperament; nervous weak delicate persons who like to be magnetized. Insidious onset, gradually increasing debility, ending in severe or rapid disease. HAEMORRHAGES; recurrent, vicarious; small wounds bleed much. Blood streaked discharges. Purpura haemorrhagica. Recurrent effects colds, croups etc. Great susceptibility to external impressions, light, sound, odour, touch; electrical changes, etc. Suddenness of symptoms; sudden; prostration, faints; weak spells, sweats, shooting pains. Uncertain involuntary acts. Emptiness; in chest, stomach etc. TIGHTNESS; in chest, cough etc. Pain or soreness in spots. Paralysis; pseudo-hypertrophic of muscles; of insane, internal; throat, rectum. Internal, itching; tickling; throbbings here and there. Numbness. Burnings. Jerking; localized; subsultus. Joints; stiff, with little pain; sprains; easily dislocated; weak spells in joints, worse exertion. Symptoms due to heart and lung affections. Caries; of the bones; spine; upper jaw. Hard swelling here and there. Osteomyelitis. Exostoses. Bone fragility. Polypi; easily bleeding. Jaundice, as a concomitant, haematogenous. Haemophilia. Polycythaemia. Erectile tumours. Pyemia. Acidosis. Phthisical habit. Emaciation. Spasms on the paralyzed side. Epilepsy with consciousness. Petit mal. Totters while walking. Human barometer. Flabby muscles. Ill effects of anger, fear, grief; worry; exposure to drenching rains; washing clothes; tobacco; having hair cut. Iodine. Excessive use of salt. Healed wounds break out again and bleed. Lipoma. Cancer.


      LYING ON; painful side; LEFT SIDE; ON BACK. SLIGHT CAUSES; EMOTIONS; talking; touch; odours; light. COLD; open air. Putting HANDS in cold water. WARM INGESTA. Puberty. Salt. Sexual excess. Loss of fluids. Weather, sudden change in; windy; cold; thunderstorms; lightning. Morning and evening. Mental fatigue. Twilight. Shaving.


      Eating. Sleep. Cold; food, water, washing face with cold water. Rubbing; magnetic. Sitting. Dark.


      Amative; will uncover his body and expose his genitals. Excitable, easily angered and vehement from which he afterwards suffers. Anxious; fears being alone at twilight; of ghosts; about future; of thunderstorms, as if something creeping out of every corner. Quickly prostrated by unpleasant impressions. Timid and irresolute. Melancholy; disinclined to work, study, converse. Weary of life. Sheds tears, or with attacks of involuntary laughter. Destroys everything, spits at nurse, kisses who comes near her. Apathy; indifference even towards her own children. Insanity; with exaggerated idea of one’s own importance; grandeur. Any lively impression is followed by heat, as if immersed in hot water. Clairvoyant. Weeps before menses. Wants sympathy. Laughs at serious things. Anxious, restlessness, patient cannot sit or stand still for a moment esp. in dark or twilight.


      VERTIGO; accompanies many symptoms; of aged; floating; on waking; whirling; better stool. Head; heavy; aches; over one eye; with hunger; worse children, worse lying on right side; better cold washing of face. Brain-fag; with coldness of occiput. Burning temples. Vertex; throbs, hot, after grief. Softening of the brain, with formication, numbness of limbs, feet drag. Congestion to head. Dandruff; copious. Itching of scalp. Falling of hair in large bunches; in spots. Occiput; cold; shocks in; epilepsy. Feels as if pulled by hair.


      Lachrymation; in wind. Photophobia. Vision; flashes; haloes; red; green; black; better shading by hands. Narrow field of vision. Balls feel large; stiff. Coloured vision then migraine. Glaucoma. Degenerative changes in retinal cells. Retinitis albuminurica. Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco, sexual excess, lightning. Optic atrophy. Choroiditis. Long curved lashes. Yellow. Cataract. Eyes hollow, with blue rings around them. Vitreous opacities. Letters appear red when reading. Sensation as if everything were covered with mist; dust or veil or something pulled over tightly over eyes. Eyes turned outwards.


      Difficult hearing, of human voice. Echoes and reverberations of sounds; esp. music. Polypi in the ear. Otitis; media. Mastoiditis. Dullness of hearing after typhoid. As if foreign bodies were lodged. Something seems constantly in front of ears.


      Nervous fan like motions of alae nasi. Coryza; alternately fluent and dry; on alternate sides. Epistaxis; instead of menses; of youths, then pneumonia; with cough, during stool. Nose swollen. Caries. Ulcers in the nose. Nasal polypus, bleeding easily. Chronic catarrh, blows blood from the nose. Sneezing; worse odours, smokes etc.; with dyspnoea, causes pain in the throat. Descending nose colds. Oversensitive to smell. Sneezing and coryza on putting hands in water. Swollen, red, shiny. Bad smell.


      Pale about nose and mouth; sickly, changing, colour. Necrosis of the lower jaw. Burning heat and redness of cheek. Lips; blue, dry, cracked, sooty, scabby. Skin as if too tight.


      Teeth numb. Toothache from washing clothes; from having hands in cold or warm water. Gums; bleeding; sore behind central incisors. Tongue dry, smooth red. Persistent bleeding from tooth extraction. Itching of palate. Abscess of hard palate. Taste sour; after milk; bitter; sweetish, when coughing. Mouth drawn to the left. Speech difficult, stutters. Salivation; saltish or sweetish. Nursing sore mouth with sore breast.


      Dry; glistening. As of a cotton or something hanging in. Burning in oesophagus. Stricture of oesophagus. Tonsils and uvula swollen; uvula elongated.


      CRAVES COLD DRINKS; WHICH better but are VOMITED IN A LITTLE WHILE, when it becomes warm in the stomach. Post-operative vomiting, after chloroform. Regurgitates ingesta, by mouthfuls. Pain in stomach better cold drinks. Hunger; ravenous; nightly; before the attack of sickness. Waterbrash. Food scarcely swallowed comes up again; spasms of oesophagus at the cardiac end. Vomiting; of bile, blood, coffee grounds. Ulcer of stomach. Burning in stomach worse eating. Craves; salt, acid and spicy things; what is refused when offered. EMPTY hollow feeling in stomach; as if hanging down worse emotions. Tremors; fluttering or something rolling over in stomach. Waterbrash. Unable to drink water; during pregnancy, the sight of water makes her vomit, has to close her eyes when taking bath. Nausea on putting hands in warm water. Stomach cold as if frozen.


      Pressure above epigastrium. Sore spot in pit of stomach. Feels cold. Rubs abdomen for relief. Stools; like cooked sago; granular slender, tough. Very foetid stools and flatus. Painless; copious; grey; bluish, watery; pouring out; nervous; involuntary, after fright; exhausting diarrhoea. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation in old people. Dysentery. Anus open; prolapsed. Stricture of rectum; stools flattened. Burning in rectum. Jaundice; with pneumonia or brain disease; during pregnancy; from nervous excitement; malignant; haematogenous. Acute yellow atrophy of liver. Acute hepatitis. Large yellow spots on abdomen. Tearing in anus better warm cloth. Discharge of blood from rectum, during stool. Flatulent colic worse hot drinks. Urging for stool, on lying on left side.


      Profuse pale, watery urination; then weakness. Pellicle on urine. Haematuria; in acute nephritis; with jaundice. Albuminuria; periodical. Bladder is full without urging.


      Irresistible desire; but impotent. Lascivious; strips himself; sexual mania. Erections feeble or none at all. Constant discharge of thin, slimy, colourless fluid from urethra.


      Menses; too early, scanty, not profuse but prolonged. Leucorrhoea; profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses. Nymphomania. Sterility; from excessive voluptuousness; or with profuse, or too late menses. Frequent and profuse; or short uterine bleeding in between the periods; in nursing women. Cancer of the uterus. Amenorrhoea; with blood spitting; bleeding from the anus or haematuria or with milk in breast. Suppuration in mammae; with fistulous ulcers. Cancer of the breast. Uterine polypi. Left infra-mammary pains. Vagina numb during coition in spite of sexual excitement. Violent sexual desire during pregnancy and lactation. Nipple hot and sore.


      Oppressive breathing; worse least motion. Tight suffocative breathing; worse cough. Larynx; raw, sore, furry; painful on speaking. Voice; low; hoarse worse morning and evening; croupy, then bronchitis. Cough; hard, wheezing; dry, violent, painful, tickling, hacking, exhausting; with retching; causes pain in abdomen; burning in air passages and trembling, worse reading aloud; change of weather; before strangers, laughing, exertion, singing. Sputum; easy, frothy, rusty bluish, salty, sour, sweetish, or cold. Pneumonia; of left lower lung, secondary, with sopor. Chest; full; heavy; pains into throat or right arm; or alternating sides; stitches, in left upper chest; rattling worse cold drinks. Dry hot feeling in chest; with cough; at first dry then loose. Asthma after cough. Repeated haemoptysis. Tuberculosis, in tall; slender, rapidly growing persons. Congestion in lungs. As if skin in larynx.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.