
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Mezereum in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      It affects SKIN; bones, nerves and mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach. It produces violent, burning, darting, like fire in the muscles. Irritation, burning itching, or burning smarting on the skin; burning boring pains in bones esp. long; and neuralgia; of the teeth and face, and after shingles. Sudden pains of various kinds followed by chilliness, numbness and soreness. Lachrymation with pains. Affected parts become cold, or emaciate. One sided symptoms; whole or partial. Ill effects of suppressed eczema capitis; vaccination and mercury. Gouty- rheumatic, syphilitic dyscrasia. Excessive sensitiveness to air, even of a fan. As of a cool breeze blowing on the part. Internal burning with external violent itching, in small areas, or in single parts. Caries, exostosis of bones. Periostitis. Bones seem enlarged. Acrid secretions, pus, leucorrhoea etc. Ulcers. Twitchings; eyelids, right side face etc. Convulsions better by tight grasping. Cystic osteoma. Abscesses of fibrous parts or tendons. Body feels light.


      NIGHT. Suppressions. Warmth of bed; of fire etc. Cold; air, drafts; damp. Motion. Touch. Mercury. Vaccination.


      Wrapping up. Heat of stove, (Prosopalgia). Eating. Open air.


      Indifference to everything and everybody; looks through a window for hours without being conscious of objects around. Apprehensive at the pit of the stomach when expecting some very unpleasant intelligence or pain or shock. Forgetful. Religious and financial melancholy. Aversion to talk; it seems to him to be hard work to utter a word. Reproaches or quarrels with others.


      Pains extend to eyes, malar bones, neck etc. with lachrymation; better stooping; worse talking, anger. Numbness of one side of scalp, or top of head. Milk crusts. Skull painful. White scabs. Hair falls in handfuls; dandruff, white, dry.


      Pain outward along the brows. Dryness of the eyes; they feel too large. Ciliary neuralgia; after operation upon the eyes; removal of eyeball. Inclination to wink; jerking of eyelids. Feeling of coldness, with pain in the eyeballs.


      Feel too open; as if tympanum was exposed to cool air and it blew into the ear. Deafness; after suppression of head eruptions. Desire to bore fingers in it. Thickening of tympanum.


      Visible twitching at the root of nose. Frequent sneezing, with pain of excoriation in chest. Post nasal adenoids.


      Neuralgic pains come and go quickly, and leave part numb, worse eating better near hot stove. Eruptions around the mouth, with coryza. Cracks in corners of mouth. Twitching of muscles (right).


      Burning in tongue extending to stomach. Breath smells like rotten cheese. Root of the tooth decay. Toothache into temples better with mouth open, and from drawing in air. Teeth feel dull and elongated. Dry, dark red mouth. Middle of the tongue fissured. Watering of the mouth. Tongue coated along one side only. Ranula worse talking and chewing, ejects a watery fluid.


      Dark, red, burning, sore worse winter. Nausea felt in throat, better eating.


      Constant longing for food. Taste bitter, sour; beer tastes bitter, which is vomited. Craving for ham, fat, coffee, wine. Gastric pain; burning, corroding better milk, and eating. Gastric ulcers. Vomiting of chocolate coloured substance; with nausea. Waterbrash. Chronic gastritis. Ulcer; induration of stomach.


      Constipation after confinement. Prolapse of rectum; and constriction of anus, about the prolapse, which makes it difficult to replace. Diarrhoea; stools contain glistening particles. Stools; hard, large as if they would split the anus. Contraction of diaphragm. Swelling of glands, with large abdomen in children.


      Haematuria; hot, preceded by cramps in bladder. Few drops of blood are passed after urination. Red pellicle on urine.


      Painless swelling of the penis and scrotum. Testicles enlarged. Gonorrhoea, with haematuria. Itching glans penis.


      Stubborn, albuminous, serous, corroding leucorrhoea. Obstinate ulceration of vagina and cervix. Menses; scanty, frequent, profuse, long lasting; with face-ache.


      Dry tickling cough; unto vomiting worse hot things. Chest feels too tight on stooping. Snoring in children.


      Coccyx painful, after a fall.


      Aching, itching in poplitae. Pain and burning in tibia and long bones. One hand hot. Limbs feel cold; as if shortened. Paralysis of flexors of fingers, cannot hold anything.


      Intolerable; itching; worse by warm bath; changes place on scratching; coldness after. Pruritus senilis. Eruptions; ooze, acrid, gluey moisture; form thick crusts, with pus beneath; or chalky white. Deep hard, painful ulcers worse touch and warmth.


      Chill of single parts as if dashed with cold water.


      Ars; Guai; Kali-i; Mercurius



S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.