
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Lycopodium in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      It is called vegetable sulphur. It affects the NUTRITION; DUE TO WEAKNESS OF DIGESTION. Acts upon URINARY ORGANS and most of the symptoms develop on the RIGHT SIDE and go to the left; THROAT; chest, ovary. Ailments develop gradually; weakening the functional power; the function of liver is seriously disturbed. Deep seated progressive chronic diseases. Repeating symptoms or alternating symptoms; chill after chill, flushing then paling; flexion then extension; automatic acts. Relapsing conditions. Prostration of mind and body. It is adapted to old persons; or who become old early, where the skin shows yellowish spots; or to precocious weakly children. Lycopodium patients are intellectually keen but of weak muscular power; lack vital heat; circulation poor; it seems to stand still; with cold, numb extremities, or numbness may appear in spots. Sudden symptoms, pains come and go suddenly; or cause anger, jerking etc. The patient is thin, withered and FULL OF GAS. ACIDITY; sour, taste, eructations etc. Descending symptoms, colds, emaciation etc. Calculi; gall stones, gravel. Dropsy; ascites in liver diseases. Coldness; partial, head, throat etc. Dryness; of palms, soles, vagina, skin etc. Rawness; in folds, anus, nipple etc. Formication of affected limbs. Paralysis. Carcinoma. Inflammation of bones, mostly at ends; softening and caries of bones. Spasms with screaming, foaming at the mouth; throwing the arms about. Oversensitive, to pain; patient is beside himself. Sense of internal paralysis. Lithic acid diathesis. Ill effects of fear, fright, chagrin, anger, anxiety, fevers; overlifting; masturbation; riding in a carriage. Tobacco chewing. Wine. One side of the body hypertrophied at change of life, in women. Atrophy of infants. Haemorrhages; dark blood. Erectile tumours. Boils recurring periodically. Emaciation and debility from loss of fluids.


      Confusion over daily affairs. Mentally active but grows weaker. Melancholy; afraid to be alone, of men; of his own shadow. Sensitive, weeps when thanked; or meeting a friend. Fearsome; dread of men; presence of new persons, of everything, even ringing of door bell. Loss of self confidence; from anticipation; averse to undertaking new things; yet when he undertakes it he goes through with ease and comfort. AWAKES; ANGRY, sad and anxious. Vehement; headstrong. Domineering, exacting; reserved, or despairing. Spells or writes wrong words or syllables. Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes. Hurried when eating. Incipient paralysis of brain. Weeps all day. Sad, on hearing distant music; or cheerful and merry. Hateful. Cranky. Miserly. Brainfag; after influenza. Anxious thoughts as if about to die. Indecision. Timidity. Resignation. Misanthrophic, flies even from his children. Amative. Distrustful; fault finding. Suspicious.


      Shakes head without any apparent cause; or involuntarily, slow first, then rapid. Vertigo when looking at anything turning. Head cold. Pain in temples as if screwed together, worse menses. Pain begins on one side goes to other where it is worse. Headache, worse if not eating regularly; lying down, stooping, better uncovering. Pulsating pain in occiput; at night, worse when hot. Hair falls, becomes grey early. Premature baldness; after abdominal affections; parturition. Deep furrows on forehead in abdominal, pulmonary and brain-affections; and in misers. Dandruff. Hydrocephalus. Meningitis; tubercular. Catarrhal headache worse when discharge from nose is slacked up. Throbbing after every spell of cough; pains when pressing at stools.


      Half open. Hemiopia. Day-blindness more. Sparks before the eyes; in the dark. Styes on lids towards the inner canthi. Polypus on external canthi. Cataract; with suppressed menses. Feel cold, hot, seem too large.


      Humming and roaring; with hardness of hearing; every noise causes peculiar echo in ear. Thick yellow offensive discharge, with deafness. Eczema about and behind the ears. As if hot blood rushed into ears.


      Nose stopped up; snuffles; breathes through mouth; child starts from sleep rubbing the nose. Fan like motion of alae nasi; in brain, lung and abdominal troubles. Feeling of dryness posteriorly. Ozaena; acrid. Chronic coryza; blows nose often. Nasal troubles from childhood. Acute smell.


      Yellowish; pale; grey; with blue circles around the eyes. Face withered, shrivelled and emaciated. Flushes of heat. Twitchings. Mouth hangs open. Sore lips. Twists face and mouth. Silly expression.


      Toothache, with swelling of cheek better warm application. Tongue; dry; black; cracked, stiff heavy; swollen, moves to and fro or is darted out rapidly; trembling; painful ulcer on tip or below tongue. Speech indistinct; stammers the last word. Saliva dries on palate and lips. Dryness without thirst. Lower jaw drops; in fever. Teeth yellow. Mouth waters. Gums bleed when touched or cleaning teeth. Taste; too acute; sour, bitter, mouldy. Small tumours in mouth in various places.


      Feeling as of a hard body in oesophagus. A ball rises and sticks in throat. Sore throat; worse cold drinks. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Chronic enlargement of the tonsils. Diphtheria_deposits spread from right to left. Food and drinks come through nose; on swallowing. Throat cold. As if a ball rose up in. Feeling of contraction provoking constant swallowing.


      Digestion weak. Loss of appetite. Hunger, but quick satiety. EATING EVER so LITTLE CREATES FULNESS. Hiccough. Incomplete burning eructations; rise only to pharynx and then burns for hours. Farinaceous and flatulent food, cabbage, beans, oysters disagree. Sensation as if fasting after meals, but without hunger. Desire for sweet things. Aversion to soup, to bread. Canine hunger; the more he eats, the more he craves. Wakes at night feeling hungry. Vomits; food and bile; coagulated blood; dark greenish masses, after eating and drinking. Cancer; perforating ulcer. Churning sensation in. Gnawing in stomach, better drinking hot water. Desire for sweets, delicacies, pastries etc. Food tastes sour. Likes to take drink and food hot. Coldness in stomach. Bad effects of onions.


      Epigastric, anxiety; pressure. As of a band about waist. FLATULENCE; MUCH; NOISY, pressing out; better lower bowels. Sensitive congested liver. Chronic hepatitis; atrophic; nutmeg liver. Sensation of something moving up and down or as of a hard body rolling, when turning to the right side. Ascites; from liver diseases. Soreness worse hypogastrium; alternating sides. Brown spots on. Colic in babies worse evening. Constipation; of children; ineffectual urging from contraction of sphincters; feeling as if much remained unpassed after stools. Stools; contain sand, small difficult, first part is hard, is difficult to expel, last part is soft or thin and gushing; followed by faintness and weakness. Haemorrhoids, aching; painful to touch better hot bathing. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Rawness of anus. Constipation when away from home or travelling. Chilliness in the rectum before stools. Constipation or diarrhoea during pregnancy. Gastro enteritis from fright. Diarrhoea from cold drinks. Continued burning in rectum.


      Frequent urging to urinate better riding in cars. Renal colic in ureter (right) to bladder. Urine; scanty; cries before urinating; (esp. children who wake up from pain, with screaming, and toss the limbs about); red sand in; slow in coming; must strain; suppressed; retained. Urine, milky, turbid. Polyuria, during the night. Haematuria. Involuntary urination (esp. in fever), or from fright during coition. Urine bloody; with paraplegia or sometimes with constipation. Urine burning hot.


      Sexual exhaustion; impotence; erections feeble; falls asleep during coition. Yellow tumour behind corona glandis. Exhausting pollutions. Enlarged prostate. Premature seminal emission.


      Menses; of clots and serum; discharge of blood from genitals during stools. Vagina; dry, burning worse during and after coition. Leucorrhoea; acrid; periodical; milky; worse before full moon. Physometra. Cutting from right to left ovary; ovarian; tumours; dropsy. Dropsy of uterus. Hard burning nodosities in mammae with stitching aching pains, and soreness. Rawness of nipples; sore, fissured, bleed easily. Foetus seems to be turning somersaults. Dysmenorrhoea; violent, with fainting. Menses; suppressed; for months. Delayed menses with undeveloped mammae at puberty. Milk in breast without being pregnant. Child vomits blood after sucking bleeding nipples.


      Craves air but is chilled by it. Short, rattling breathing worse lying on back. Cough; dry, tickling, teasing; in puny boys with emaciation; day and night; deep hollow; as from sulphur fumes, worse on descending; with emaciation; worse on empty swallowing, stretching the throat; deep breathing. Salty greenish-yellow, lumpy or foul expectoration. Unresolved pneumonia. Brown yellow spots on chest. Abscess of the lungs, tuberculosis. Difficult respiration due to hydrothorax or / and hydropericardium, with flapping of alae nasi. Feeling of tightness in chest with burning.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.