
Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Graphites in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      It is a mineral carbon in which there is a small percentage of iron. It affects the nutrition in a peculiar way; it is a remedy for those persons who have a tendency to put on unhealthy fat or for those who begin to emaciate. Circulation is affected, causing irregular distribution of blood, producing rushes of blood esp. to the head; flushing and pallor of the skin and the mucous membranes. Its chief action is on the SKIN esp. at flexures or folds of skin, muco-cutaneous junction; behind the ears. It produces THICKENING and INDURATION of skin; glands; tarsi, nail, scars. Thick crusts are formed on the skin. Tendency to callosities. It has a tendency to produce EXCORIATIONS; CRACKS or FISSURES; at muco-cutaneous junction; of eyes, nostrils, mouth, anus, nipples, fingertips, folds of skin. The patient is usually fat, relaxed; chilly and costive. Discharges are, thin, foul, scanty, and acrid. Sourness; of taste, eructations, stools, urine, blood about teeth etc. Haemorrhages are watery. Emaciation; of suffering parts. Sensation of burning, numbness and deadness. Pains go to parts not lain on. General sense of uneasiness, tremulousness; which extort groans. Sudden sinking of strength. Frequently feels faint with partial loss of senses. Aids absorption of cicatricial tissues. Eradicates tendency to erysipelas. Contractions; of muscles. Ill effects of grief, fear, overlifting. Cataleptic conditions; consciousness but without power to move or speak. Infiltrations. Cramps and burning in different places. Alternate digestive and skin symptoms. Supersensitive to cold. Cold, which worse bone-pains; coryza and stomach. Cancerous diathesis; in old cicatrices. Paralysis or sensation of paralysis. Tendency to grow cystic tumours; wens. Dropsy; oedema.


      Sad; fearsome; irresolute, hesitates at trifles. Impulse to groan. Timid. Dread of work. Fidgety, while sitting at work. Feels miserable and unhappy. Weeps; without cause, from music. Forgetful, makes mistakes in speaking and writing. Child impudent, teasing, laughing at reprimands. Thinks of nothing, but death. Remembers all the events of youth, recent events are forgotten. Fatigue from scientific labour.


      Vertigo worse looking upwards, reading or sewing. Rush of blood to head, with flushed face and feeling of heat. Brain feels numb. Head feels numb and pithy. Skin of forehead as if drawn into folds. As of a cobweb on forehead. Heavy weight or dull pressure at the occiput; as if head is drawn back. Pressive pain or burning spot on vertex. Headache with nausea, during menses. Matted, brittle or falling hair worse vertex and sides. Milk crusts. Eczema capitis; scabs sore to touch. Bald spots.


      Shuns daylight. Photophobia. Ophthalmia. Eyelids red and swollen. Sore or cracked outer canthi. Ingrown lashes. Sight vanishes during menses. Inflamed or dry, scaly or pale tarsi. Recurrent Keratitis. Eyelids fissured; eczema of. Phlyctenae. Hot tears. Eyelids heavy and falling. Letters appear double, when writing; seem together when reading. Cystic tumours on eyelids.


      Dryness of inner ear. Thin, white scaly membrane covering the tympanum. Moisture and eruptions behind the ears. Briny otorrhoea. As of hard body behind ear. Deafness_hears better in a noise. Tinnitus_hissing, detonation like report of a gun. Feel stuffed at full moon. As if air inside; as if filled with water. Snapping after every eructation.


      Dryness; with loss of smell. Nosebleed with rush of blood to the head; worse before menses. Colds at menses. Smell acute; cannot bear the smell of flowers. Stuffed coryza. Scabs and fissures in the nostrils. Sneezing on opening the eyes. Coryza from cold. Painful internally. Chronic catarrh. Discharge offensive esp. during menses. Excoriated.


      As of a cobweb on the face. Pale, bloated, haggard, flushed. Acne before the menses. Lips cracked and sore. Moist eczema around the mouth and nose. Barber’s Itch. Facial paralysis, with distortion of muscles and difficult speech. Formication on lips, during menses. Painful nodules on the lower jaw. Falling of hair from chin.


      Angles of the mouth ulcerated. Taste; sour; like rotten eggs. Breath smells like urine. Dots of thick white fur on tongue. Burning blisters on tongue. Easy bleeding and swelling of the gums. Sour; foul odour from the mouth. Blood from teeth, tastes sour. Salivation; at night. Teeth on edge.


      Nodulated goitre. Choking, on swallowing, from goitre. As of a lump in throat t empty swallowing; urging to swallow; from constant spasms. Chronic sore throat. Tonsils enlarged. As if food would not go down, from spasms.


      Aversion to meat, fish, cooked food, salt, sweets. Hot drinks disagree. Excessive hunger or no appetite; worse when hungry. Sour or foul eructations. Burning in stomach; causing hunger; better by eating; hot drinks esp. milk; lying down. Morning sickness during menses. Vomiting; sour; of food. Periodical gastralgia, with vomiting of food immediately after eating, stomach t by cold. Cancer of pylorus. Vomiting and purging, and icy cold sweat, with headache.


      Flatulence. Cannot bear tight clothes around the waist. Abdomen distended; as from incarcerated flatus. Cramp like pain in abdomen, with deficient secretion of urine; at night. Pain as if intestines were torn. Stools; large, knotty; difficult; stringy; slimy coated; or loose, brown, lienteric and very foul. Intestinal torpor, constipation for days. Fissures at anus; cutting pain during stool; followed by constriction and aching for several hours; bleed and ulcerate. Stools or masses of mucus; stools slender; pasty. Easy prolapse of rectum. Piles; pain worse sitting down, or on taking a wide step. Itching of anus and pudenda, before menses. Smarting sore pain in anus on wiping it. Diarrhoea, from slightest indiscretion in eating. Tape worms.


      Urine; sour smelling; turbid; stream slender. Pain in sacrum or os coccyx while urinating. Stricture of urethra.


      Sexual debility, with increased desire. Averse to coition. Ejaculation; too early or failing during coition. Want of sexual enjoyment. Hydrocele Priapism. Cramps in calves during coition. Impotence from excessive indulgence or masturbation.


      Great aversion to coition. Menses; late, scanty, pale, irregular, painful. Swelling and hardness of ovary (left) worse after menses. Induration of ovaries and mammae. Hoarseness, coryza, cough, morning sickness and sweats, swelling of feet or headache, during menses. Leucorrhoea; pale, thin, profuse, excoriating, in gushes, with weakness in back; worse before and after menses. Leucorrhoea in place of menses. Cancer of mammae, from old cicatrices; remaining after mammary abscess. Nipples; sore, cracked and blistered. Pain in the uterus when reaching high with arms. Retroversion of uterus; heaviness in hypogastrium with cutting pain down thighs; uterus feels coming out through vagina. Vagina; dry, hot or cold. Eczematous eruptions around the vulva.


      Constriction of chest, as if too narrow, as if about to suffocate when falling asleep; jumps out of bed, takes hold of something and must eat something; worse after midnight. Cramps in the chest. Voice lacks control better using it. Hoarseness as soon as he starts singing. Voice husky. No control on modulation of voice better if continues to talk. Asthma; spasmodic, suffocative paroxysms, which wakes one from sleep better eating. Dry troublesome cough, with sweat on face. Lachrymation worse taking deep breath.


      As of an electric shock from heart to neck. Strong pulsations in the whole body. Palpitation of heart, with anxiety; with nosebleed. Cold feeling in precordium. Pulse slows during day, fast in the morning.

Neck and Back

      Pain in the nape of neck and shoulders t looking up and stooping the head. Sacral pains with crawling. Numbness of sacrum, down the legs. Pain in the lumbar region as if vertebrae were broken.


      Burnings; cramps, jerking. Burning pressure beneath the arm pit. Arms and legs go to sleep. Hands or feet either hot or cold. Paralysed feeling in the limbs. Oedema of legs. Nails; thick; rough, crippled, crumbling, ingrown. Horny callosities on hands; with cracks. Pain in thumb joint as if sprained. Cannot stretch enough. Excoriation of thighs while walking. Cracks and fissures in tips of fingers. Bunions worse fire heat, better pressure. Burning in soles and heels. Feet cold, wet. Feet become cold, with foul excoriating sweat worse evening. Toes become wet from sweat.


      Excessively tired and sleepy. Sleeplessness till midnight. Sleepy during day. Horrible dreams. Does not feel fresh in the morning.


      Sweats often on front of the body only. Sweat; offensive, sour, stains yellow, and cold. Entire inability to sweat. Recurrent periodical fever. Chill in the evening worse eating better open air and drinking water. Wants covers in all stages of fever.


S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.