Fluoricum Acidum

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Fluoricum Acidum in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Destructiveness is the keynote of this acid. It produces slow deeply destructive effects, caries of bones esp. long bones; ulcerations, bedsores; varicose veins. It is suitable to complaints of old age or prematurely aged. Pale, miserable, cachectic, flabby and broken down patients. Always feels too hot; wants to bathe in cold water. Tissues are puffy, indurated and fistulous. Discharges are thin; foul, acrid or salty, causing itching. Oedema. Felon. Naevi. Secondary syphilis. Increased ability to exercise his muscles, without fatigue, regardless of most excessive heat of summer or cold of winter. Numbness; of the part not lain on; in brain diseases, spinal affections. Calcareous degeneration. Naevus, flat. Suffering if the call for evacuation is not immediately attended to. Dropsy; with numbness or without. Goitre.


      Impulse to walk fast; necessity to be always on the move. Aversion; to his own family, to those loved best; becomes interested and converses pleasantly with strangers. Inability to realize responsibility. Depression of mind. Stands on the street ogling the women as they pass by, so great is his lust. Elated and gay. Sits silently, does not utter a single word, nor answers when questioned.


      Stunning headache, better urinating. Pressure in occiput. Pain along the sutures. Puffy glabella. Falling out of hair; after fevers. Brittle, tousy hair.


      Sensation as of a cold wind blowing through the eyes. Fistula lachrymalis. As if something in the eyes, that could not be rubbed off; must wink. Left eye smaller than right.


      Deafness better bending head back.


      Fluent coryza; during sleep. Sneezing, with salivation.


      Heat in face, wants to wash it in cold water. Pale.


      Teeth; decay rapidly; worse at roots; feel warm. Thin enamel. Dental fistula. Tongue; fissured in all directions; painful when talking. Late dentition. Ulcer on and under tongue.


      Desire for pungent, spicy, highly seasoned food; cold water; warm drinks produce diarrhoea. Gnawing hunger, is always eating which temporarily relieves. Stale eructations. Bilious vomiting on slightest errors in diet. Stomach symptoms better tight clothes. Averse to coffee.


      Soreness over liver. Warm drinks and salmon produce diarrhoea. Itching and burning at anus. Sensation of emptiness at the region of navel, with a desire to draw a deep breath better bandaging. Ascites; from hepatic disorders; induration, enlargement and portal congestion.


      Upward drawing in the urethra. Urine; scanty, dark. Increases urine in dropsy.


      Increased sexual desire; in old men. Violent erections at night. Oily pungent smelling sweat on genitals. Oedema, of scrotum. Varicocele. He stands on the street ogling the women as they pass by, so great is his lust. Enjoyment excessive.


      Menses; too early, copious, frequent, too long. Metrorrhagia, with difficulty of breathing. Copious excoriating leucorrhoea. Nymphomania. Nipples sore, cracked. Feels distressed if the flow is slightly delayed.


      Oppression in chest better bending backwards. Hydrothorax. Difficulty of breathing; with or alternating with metrorrhagia.


      Felon. As of a splinter under the nail. Nails distorted, crumble, grow rapidly. Dropsy of limbs in old feeble constitutions. Feeling of hair on back of fingers. Constant redness of the hands esp. the palms. Ulcers over tibia. Hot sweaty palms. Soreness between toes. Corns sore.


      Sensation as if sleeping on side not lain on.


      Ebullitions of heat with pain in bones. Acrid, eroding sweat; excites itching. Sweat on hands and feet. Nightly fevers coming on periodically. One sided sweat (left). Sweat on diseased part.


      Varicose veins. Feels as if hot vapour were emitted from all the pores. Dry, harsh, itching or cracked skin. Scars; surrounded by pimples; become red around the edges. Keloids.


      Cool BATHING. Rapid motion. Short sleep. Bending head back. Eating.


      HEAT; of room. Night. Alcohol, (Red wine). Sour foods.


      Calc-s; Puls; Sul-ac.



S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.