Carbo Vegetabilis

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Carbo Vegetabilis in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Carbo-veg, or charcoal, is itself a product of imperfect oxidation; therefore imperfect oxidation and disintegration is the key note of this remedy. It contains small quantity of Kali- carb. Its deodorant, disinfectant and antiseptic properties are more enhanced in potencies. It acts upon the VENOUS CIRCULATION, esp. capillaries, where blood seems to stagnate, causing blueness, coldness and ecchymoses. Vital power becomes low from loss of vital fluids; from grave or serious diseases; from effects of drug and disease or from obstinate complications. It is suitable to atonic conditions where there is lack of reaction. The typical Carbo-veg. patient is fat, sluggish, lazy and has a tendency to chronicity of complaints. Complaints of old people. Persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness. State of collapse; in cholera, typhoid, or other grave diseases, when the patient is almost lifeless, cold body, breath cold, pulse imperceptible, respiration quickened, must be fanned very hard, but head remains hot. HAEMORRHAGE; blood dark, oozing, from shock, after surgical operations, persistent for hours or days. Numbness, of parts lain on. Burning, sense of weight or heavy aching in bones, ulcers etc. WEAKNESS, FLATULENCE, FOETOR OR AIR HUNGER, are present with most of the complaints. Tremulous. Always WEAK, SICK AND EXHAUSTED; but those states may occur suddenly. Fainting fits. Thick acrid discharges. Cold; but wants air to be fanned, or thirst for cold water. BLUENESS and decomposition. Septic conditions. Sensation of overfullness. Venous stasis. Ulcerations, aphthous. General bruised soreness, old catarrhs. School girls and boys are sluggish, slow to learn, suffer from night terrors, will not sleep alone or go to bed in the dark. Lack of reaction; after some violent attack, violent shock, violent suffering. Never well since. Lymphatic glands; swollen; indurated or suppurating. Gangrene, humid, senile.


      ERUCTATIONS. Cool air. From fanning. Elevating feet.


      WARMTH. DEPLETIONS. Cooling off EXHAUSTING DISEASES. HIGH LIVING; RICH FOOD; decayed food; poultry. DISSIPATION. Overlifting. Walking in open air. Pressure of clothes. Weather; extremes of temperature, cold night air, frosty, humid, wind on head. Suppressions. Old age. Reading aloud. Singing. Icy drinks.


      Slow thinking. Indolent. Anxious. Irritable. Dejected. Unhappy. Indifference, hears everything without pleasure or pain. Aversion to darkness. Fear of ghosts. Sudden loss of memory. Sluggish, stupid, lazy. Easily frightened or startled.


      Dull, compressive, heavy headache; worse occiput; worse overheating, lying or pressure of hat, over-indulgence. Vertigo, with nausea and tinnitus. Scalp itches when warm in bed. Hair; sore, falls off easily, in handfuls, after severe illness, after parturition. Cold sweat on forehead. Head hot; with cold extremities. Takes cold in head easily.


      As of heavy weight on eyes. Haemorrhages from eyes with congestion to head. Vision of floating black spots. Burning in eyes. Muscles of eyes pain when looking up. Pupils do not react to light.


      Something heavy seems to lie before the ears. Deafness or otorrhoea, following exanthemata. Deficient or badly smelling yellow wax. Mumps, with metastases.


      Sneezing from irritation in larynx; worse blowing nose. Ineffectual effort to sneeze. Epistaxis in daily attacks, with pale face. Descending colds. Red. Nose cold; hay asthma. Frequent sneezing, much coryza. Sneezing worse sneezing.


      PINCHED, HIPPOCRATIC or dusky. Face cold, with cold sweat. Twitching upper lip, Brown or blackish looking, cracked lips. Great paleness of face.


      Breath cold. Tongue; cold, black; swollen, covered with white yellow-brown mucus. Aphthae; bluish, blackish ulcers, with burning. Loose teeth. Scorbutic gums. Blood oozes from gums when cleaning teeth. Pyorrhoea. Taste bitter, sour. Bad smell from. Increased saliva. Gums painful while chewing. Gums black. Teeth pain while eating hot or cold things.


      Sensation as if closed. Aphthous, sore. Hawking of bloody black mucus. Painful on swallowing food.


      Digestion slow, food turns to gas. Aversion to meat, to fat things, to milk which causes flatulence. Loathes even the thought of food. Desire for salty-sour things or sweet things, coffee. Nausea in the morning. ERUCTATIONS; RANCID; loud; without better; with cough. Heaviness, fulness and sleepiness after food. Contractive pain extending to chest. Burning in stomach extending to back along spine, with coldness. Gastralgia of nursing women. Dyspepsia. Aversion to most digestible and the best kind of food. Vomiting of blood; ulcers, cancer.


      EXCESSIVE FLATULENCE; greatly distending the abdomen, esp. upper part worse lying down. Obstructed flatulence, with complaints arising from. The simplest or smallest portion of food worse the sufferings in abdomen. Colic forcing the patient to bend double. Epigastric region very tender. Pain in the liver. Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Abdomen feels as if hanging down; walks bent. Burning in rectum. Itching in anus. Flatus; hot, moist, offensive. Acrid moisture from rectum. Moisture on perineum. Bluish, white, burning piles, pain after stools. Colic brought on by riding in cars, better passing flatus. Painful diarrhoea of old people. Stools; putrid; ineffectual urging; even soft passed with difficulty. Faeces escape with flatus. Jaundice; from over eating or eating too rich food.

Urinary Organs

      Albumin in the urine. Nephritis; septic or from alcohol. Urine- copious of clear yellow colour or thickish and whitish_ diabetes. Wetting the bed at night. Urine; suppressed in cholera; and retained from standing on cold pavements.


      Seminal discharge too soon, during coitus, followed by roaring in head. Discharge of prostatic fluid, while straining at stool. Itching and moisture at thighs near scrotum. Swelling of testes from metastasis of mumps.


      Menorrhagia, burning across sacrum, passive flow. Sore, hot, itching, swelled, vulva. Leucorrhoea; thick, greenish, milky, causing itching and burning, worse before menses. Lumps in mammae, with indurations of axillary glands. Mammae; hard, swollen, with impending abscess. Feels at her best when she has a free leucorrhoea. Menses too early. Varices on pudendum and vulva, with burning, bluish ulcers. Prostration after suckling. Vaginal fistula, burning pains.

Respiratory organs

      Voice hoarse in the evening. Cough, with itching in larynx. Attacks of tormenting hollow or choking cough, with headache and vomiting and burning in chest worse cold drinks and in bed. Roughness in larynx, with deep rough voice. Expectoration, with retching. Whooping cough; with bluish face and its complications. Heavy sore or weak chest; on awakening. Breathing, laborious, quick and short, worse walking. Asthma; in aged with blue skin; better summer. Cheyne-Stokes breathing in organic heart disease. Wants to take a deep breath. Burning in chest; with haemoptysis. Brown yellow spots on chest. Destructive lung diseases. Sore ribs. Expectoration; thick, sticky, yellowish and profuse.


      Continuous anxious palpitation; worse eating, sitting. Pulse; thread like, weak and small, intermittent. Burning around the heart. Pulsation throughout the body.

Neck and Back:

      Severe pain in small of back, with a sensation of a plug; unable to sit down; had to put a pillow under it when lying. Burning behind shoulder.


      Heavy stiff, feel paralysed. Numb when lying on them. Paralytic weakness of the wrists and of the fingers, when seizing anything. Arms weary when writing. Cramps in soles. Feet numb and sweaty. Cold from knees down. Senile gangrene of fingers and toes, with fiery burning vesicles, oozing bloody water. Foul foot sweat, worse walking.


      Horror during sleep. Awakes often, from cold limbs esp. cold knees. Unrefreshing. Comatose sleep, with rattling in throat. Frequent yawning and stretching which seems to better.


      Alternate chill and heat. ICY COLDNESS; unilateral; of tongue, knees; legs; foot, at night. Warm head and cold limbs. Internal burning heat; at heart, chest; with cold icy skin and cold sweat. Sweats easily. Sweat sour, cold worse coughing; on face. Yellow fever.


      Raw, mottled, blue, cold, ecchymosed. Ulcers; foul, burning and bleeding. Varicose ulcers. Carbuncles. Senile gangrene beginning in toes. Bed sores, bleed easily. Varicose veins during pregnancy. Wounds heal and break out again. Burning in various places. Blue colour. Fine moist rash with burning. Ulcers; varicose, easily bleeding, pus smelling like Asafoetida; heal and break out again.


      Amm-c; Ars; Colch; Graph; Lycopodium


      Ars; Chin; Kali-c; Lach; Phosphorus

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.