Cannabis Indica

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Canabis Indica in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Cannabis Indica is used as an intoxicant. It produces most marked effects on MIND and EMOTIONS; which are EXALTED INTENSELY, and in which CONCEPTIONS AND PERCEPTIONS ARE EXAGGERATED to the utmost degree. Patient experiences the most wonderful hallucinations and imaginations; feels very happy and contented; or sometimes the hallucinations may be of agonizing terror and pain. Sense of proportion; or sense of time and space is lost. Mania of grandeur. Levitation. Gaiety; uncontrollable laughter. Violence. Delirium tremens. Feels weak and all gone to nothing. Exophthalmic goitre. Catalepsy. When URINARY AND SYMPTOMS of acute gonorrhoea are most marked–Cann. sat. should be used in preferences to Cann. Ind. Trickling sensation as if hot water were poured over him or as if drops of cold water were falling; on head; from the anus, from the heart found in Cann. sat. Paralysis, with tingling of the affected part.


      URINATING (Cann. sat.). DARKNESS. Exertion. Talking. Walking. Coffee. Liquor. Tobacco. Lying down and going upstairs (Cann. sat.).


      Fresh air. Cold water. Rest.


      Loquacity. Very forgetful cannot finish the sentence. Time seems too long. Distance seems immense. Craves light. Lectophobia; (Cantharis sat.) fear of going to bed. Laughs immoderately; at serious remarks, or at mere trifles. Laughs and weeps. Ecstatic, heavenly. Hears; voices, bells, music. Fixed ideas, extreme psychic mobility. Thinks everything is unreal. Clairvoyance. When he speaks it seems as though someone else is speaking. Moaning and crying.


      Violent headache; with hallucinations. Vertex seems to open and shut, worse noise. Head seems separated from the body. Involuntary shaking of the head. Shocks through brain.


      Fixed gaze. Letters run together while reading. Weak vision. Sees objects outside of visual field. Opacity of cornea (Cann. sat.).


      Noise like boiling water.


      Skin of the face seems tight. Dejected and careworn. Lips glued together. Chin drawn to sternum.


      Grinding of teeth in sleep. Saliva; white, thick, frothy. Stammering and stuttering. Every article of food is extremely palatable. Aversion to meat of which she was fond (Cann. sat.).


      As if something alive in abdomen. Sensation in anus as if sitting on a ball. Throbbing here and there.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in kidney; while laughing. Must strain to urinate: has to wait for sometime before the urine flows; dribbles after flow ceases. SCANTY BURNING URINE PASSED DROP BY DROP; with pain going backwards (to bladder). Acute stage of gonorrhoea,–urethra sensitive; walks with legs apart (Cann. sat.). Nephritic colic. Irritable carbuncle.


      Swelled prepuce. Sexual desire increased. Priapism. Erections without amorous thoughts.


      Profuse menses; with violent uterine colic; with dysuria. Sexual desire increased in sterile women or with dysmenorrhoea. Threatened abortion; from too frequent sexual intercourse, or complicated with gonorrhoea. (Cann. sat.). Infantile leucorrhoea (Cann. sat.).

Respiratory organs

      Humid asthma. Difficulty in breathing with palpitation better standing up (Cann. Sat.). Cannot control voice. Suffocative attacks.


      Palpitation wakes him. Pulse slow. Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart (Cann. Sat.).

Neck and Back:

      Pain across shoulder and spine, must stoop; cannot walk erect. Torticollis, chin drawn to the sternum.


      Pain in the limbs worse deep breathing. Entire paralysis of lower limbs. Contraction of fingers, after sprain (Cann. Sat.). Feels very exhausted after a short walk. As if bird’s claws were clasping the knees. Dislocation of patella on going upstairs (Cann. Sat.).


      Dreams; erotic, of the dead. Sleepy but cannot sleep.


      Antidote: Apis.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.