Anacardium orientale

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anacardium Orientale in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      Anacardium patients are neurasthenic patients. MIND, nerves, muscles and joints are affected. There is physical and mental LACK OF POWER Special senses are weakened, sight, hearing, touch etc. Sensation of a plug, in various parts; or as of a DULL PRESSURE, which is repeated from time to time. Sensations of a band or hoop. Intermittency of symptoms. Fear of examination in students. Trembling, on slight exertion, worse knees or arms. Paralytic condition. Wants to lie or sit continually. Eating temporarily relieves all the symptoms. Nervous exhaustion from over-study. Paresis of muscles subject to volition. Wounded tendons. Joints contracted. Old people. Ill natured children. Nervous hysterical women. Diseases of spinal cord. Heaviness and fullness of the whole body after piano playing.


      MENTAL EXERTION. Emotions. Anger. Fright, care. Mortification. Stepping hard. Motion. Draughts, open air; cold, Long after eating. Rubbing; scratching. Talking. Morning. Evening to midnight. Checked eruptions. Strong smells.


      By eating. Lying on side. Rubbing. Heat; hot bath. In the sun.


      Fixed ideas; thinks he is possessed of two persons or; two wills. Illusion of duality, others are present; behind her, etc. Her husband is not her husband, her child is not hers. There is no reality in anything, all appears like a dream. Apprehends trouble from everything. Senseless talk. Screams loudly; as if to call someone. Religious mania. BAD MEMORY. Suddenly forgets names, those around her, what she has seen. Aversion to work. Lack of self confidence; desire to swear and curse. Fear of paralysis. Despairs of getting well. Contradictory impulseslaughs at serious things, remaining serious when anything laughable occurs. Cowardly. Vacillating. At odds with himself. Melancholy. Ill natured, Profane. Takes everything in bad parts. Absent minded; as if in a dream. Clairaudient_hears voices far away or of the dead. Suicidal tendency by shooting. Sees everybody’s faces in the mirror except his own. Hard hearted, cruel. Hesitates; often does nothing. Unsocial. Neurotic. Suspicious. Very easily offended. Senile dementia. Refuses to eat for fear of being poisoned.


      Vertigo worse walking; stooping and rising from stooping; objects seem too distant. Pressing pain as from a plug; in temples, occiput, forehead and vertex, better during meals; falling asleep; worse coughing, deep breathing. Itching and little boils on the scalp. Gastric and nervous headaches. Headache from strong smells.


      Pressing pain as of a plug on upper orbit. Threads and black spots before the eyes. Objects appear too far off. Vision indistinct. Short sightedness.


      Hard of hearing. Pressing pain as of a plug. Imagines whispers in the ears.


      Sense of smell; perverted, lost or acute. Illusory smells. Frequent sneezing, followed by coryza and lachrymation. Violent coryza with palpitation esp. in the aged.


      Pale, wan looking. Blue rings around the eyes. Eczema of face and neck. Expressionless, wild, childish.


      Bad breath and taste. Painful vesicles in the mouth. Tongue feels swollen and stiff_impeding speech and motion; with much saliva in the mouth. Taste lost.


      Empty feeling in stomach. Weak digestion. Breath stops on eating and drinking. Gastric pain better by eating, but worse again after 2 to 3 hours. Hastily drinks, and swallows food. Vomiting better. Loss of appetite, alternating with violent hunger.


      Pain as if a dull plug were pressed into intestine. Hardness of abdomen. Flatulent colic, with rumbling, pinching and griping. Rectum feels plugged and powerless; cannot evacuate even a soft stool. Ineffectual desire. Itching of anus; moisture from rectum.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent discharge of clear watery urine; deposits, turbid, clay coloured sediment. Sensation of burning in the glans during and after urination.


      Voluptuous itching of scrotum, exciting sexual desire. Seminal emissions without dreams. Prostatic discharge during stool. Enjoyment absent.


      Leucorrhoea, with itching and excoriation of the parts. Frequent but scanty menses; with spasmodic pain in abdomen; Nausea during pregnancy better eating.

Respiratory organs

      Breath stops, on coughing or swallowing. Cough, excited by talking, after eating, with vomiting of food, with pain in occiput; in children, after a fit of temper. Cough then yawns and sleeps. Asthma, hysterical, ends in flow of tears.


      Double stitch at the heart, passing into lumbar region. Palpitation; with coryza, in the aged.

Neck and Back

      Dull pressure or as of a heavy load on shoulders. Stiffness, of nape and neck; down back, and pain worse motion.


      Neuralgia of the thumb. Knees feel paralyzed or bandaged. Dry hands. Cramps in the calves worse walking or rising from a seat. Pain in ankle, as if sprained worse stepping. Painful thumping on the middle upper arm (left). Cramps; from toe to instep; from heel up calf. Warts on palms and hands. Writer’s cramps.


      Spells of sleeplessness, lasting for several nights. Anxious dreams.


      Easily chilled better sunshine. Clammy sweat on palms esp. left. Heat from 4 p.m. till evening, passing off after supper.


      Skin insensible; itching worse scratching. Dermatitis. Eczema, neurotic. Yellow vesicles. Warts on palms and hands. Urticaria. Promotes expulsion of splinters.


      Ign; Lyc, Plat; Rhus-t.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.