Ammonium carbonicum

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      It affects HEART; circulation and blood Heart becomes weak, collapse. Circulation becomes sluggish and under-oxygenation of blood produces LIVIDITY, WEAKNESS and drowsiness. Vitality becomes low and there is lack of reaction. It is adapted to fat patients, with weak heart, with wheezing and suffocative feeling; to stout women who are always tired and weary, take cold easily and suffer from cholera-like symptoms before menses; and who lead a sedentary life. Very sensitive to cold air. Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it. Heaviness in all organs. Uncleanliness in bodily habits. Pains are bruised and sore. There is internal raw burning. Discharges are hot, acrid, adherent. Haemorrhages, dark, thin. Malignancy. Prostration from trifles. Scorbutic states. Old age. Lies down, from debility or soreness of whole body. Ill effects of charcoal fumes.


      COLD; CLOUDY DAYS. DAMP COLD. Raw cold open air. Falling asleep; 3-4 a.m. During menses. Motion. Chewing. Pressing teeth. Bending down. New moon.


      Pressure; eating; lying on abdomen. Dry weather. Lying on right side.


      Active but soon exhausted. Forgetful, ill-humoured, gloomy; during stormy weather. Heedless and unruly. Depressed, with weakness of intellect. Vacant mind. Loss of memory worse vexation. Hearing others talk or talking himself affects him. Aversion to work. Peevish, fretting, as if crime has been committed. Disposed to weep. Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating.


      Shocks, through head, eyes, ears and nose, on biting. Violent headache; full, bursting in forehead. Brain seems loose.


      Burning and dry. Prolonged use of eyes cause asthenopia; with appearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects. Flood of tears. Large black spots float after sewing. Pain in the eyes better afternoon sleep.


      Hardness of hearing. Itching above the ears, spreads over the whole body. Hard swelling of parotid and cervical glands.


      Stoppage of nose, at night, with long continued coryza, must breathe through mouth. Snuffles of children. Nose bleeds; if hands or face are washed, after eating, or on waking. Continuous urging to sneeze. Profuse watery coryza. Catarrh starting in nose. Boil on tip. Inability to blow the nose in children.


      Boils and pustules, during menses. Corners of the mouth are sore, cracked and burn. Cracks, and burning in lip. Hard swelling of the cheek.


      Tender, bleeding gums. Pressing teeth together, sends a shock through head, eyes, ears and nose. Mouth and throat dry. Loose or blunt teeth. Vesicles on tongue. Burning, hindering eating and speech. Teeth ache, during menses. Swelling inside cheek.


      Enlarged tonsils, and glands of the neck. Gangrenous ulceration of the tonsils. Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up, membrane extends to upper lip.


      Pain at the pit of stomach, with heartburn, nausea, water brash and chilliness. Flatulent dyspepsia. Appetite, but easy satisfaction.


      Bleeding piles worse during menses. Discharge of blood before and after stools. Protruding piles worse after stools or without stools, better lying, cannot walk. Dark acrid diarrhoea. Colic, with pain between the scapulae. Constipation; stools hard, dry.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent desire. Urine; white, bloody, sandy, copious, turbid and foetid. Involuntary urination, towards morning.


      Persistent erections, without desire or violent sexual desire without erection. Seminal emissions frequent, after coition.


      Cholera-like symptoms, with menses. Menses; too frequent, profuse, early, clotted, black with colicky pains and hard difficult stools, with fatigue esp. of thighs, yawning and chilliness. Menses flow more at night, then dyspnoea or weakness. Copious leucorrhoea, burning, acrid, watery. Irritation of clitoris.

Respiratory organs

      Increasing difficulty in breathing, it wakes him, better cool air. Much oppression in breathing worse every effort, entering a warm room. Emphysema. Rattling in chest but gets up little. Hoarseness. Pulmonary oedema. Cough, after influenza. Hypostatic congestion of lungs. Expectoration; of pure blood, after cough.0.


      WEAK. Wakes with difficult breathing and palpitation. Palpitation; audible with fear, cold sweat and lachrymation, inability to speak and trembling hands. Angina Pectoris. Weak heart causes stasis.


      Parts lain on become numb. Cramps, in calves and soles. Fingers and hands swell, when arms are hanging down. Inclination to stretch limbs. Whitlow. Tearing pain better by heat of bed. Right foot numb. Ganglion. Aching in bones better change of weather. Right arm heavy and weak.


      Sleepiness during day. Wakes up with strangling. The sooner one goes to bed the better one sleeps.


      Coldness. Burning heat with thirst.


      Red or mottled skin. Erysipelas; in aged. Malignant scarlatina.


      Ant-t; Carb-v; Glon; Lach; Mur-ac.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.