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Allium sativum

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Allium Sativum in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….



      It acts on intestinal mucous membranes; increasing peristalsis. It is adapted to fleshy persons, used, to high living who suffer from dyspepsia and catarrhal affections. Patients who eat a great deal more especially meat, than they drink. Digestion is disordered by slightest error in diet. Has vasodilatory properties. Acts better in meat eaters than strictly vegetarians. The child is drowsy, lifeless, extremely pale, bowels torpid, will not walk, and the legs do not grow as rapidly as rest of the body.


      Change of temperature. Evening and night. Walking. Pressure. Drinking bad water. Gluttony.


      Sitting bent.


      Fear; he will never get well, nor bear any medicine; of being poisoned. Wants many things, pleased with nothing.


      Vertigo while reading. Head, aches before menses, ceases during worse afterwards. Dandruff.


      Spots on. Lips dry.


      Much sweetish saliva, after meals and at night. Hair sensation on tongue or throat. Tongue pale, papillae red.


      Voracious appetite. Desire for butter. Complaints from bad water. Slightest error in diet disturbs the stomach. Feeling of some cold and hot ascending oesophagus.


      Menses profuse. Soreness of vulva and thighs. Mammae swollen and tender; during menses. Swelling of breast after weaning.


      Cough in the morning, with much difficult expectoration. Cough when smoking. Bronchiectasis, with foetid sputum. Haemoptysis.


      Pain in hips; pain in psoas and iliacus muscles, worse crossing legs.



S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.