Dysmenorrhoea Therapeutics

Case 1. A violent itching and burning in vagina; extremely painful urination, screams when urine passes, says it is as hot as fire, menses dark and clotted; she was a recently married woman who had contracted gonorrhoea from her husband. Cantharis 1m cured.

Case 2. Mrs. A. B., age 30, dark complexion, severe burning in neck of bladder; much bearing down in uterus with a burning pain in the left ovary; pruritus vulva; strong sexual desire; severe pains in the region of the kidneys with frequent desire to urinate; desire comes on with the pains in the back. The urine was not examined in this case. Relief in a few hours after taking the c. m. potency in water. This potency I made myself with a gravity potentizer.

Aggravation : Touching the larynx (Lachesis), bright light (Stramonium, Belladonna,), drinking water; dysmenorrhoea brought on by cold; indicated in disease of the bowels, bladder, lungs, brain, puerperal states, and gonorrhoea.


Anti-sycotic. Menses scanty and retarded or suppressed; menses too soon; preceded by leucorrhoea, or flow consists largely of leucorrhoea, yellowish, greenish, very acrid and offensive, producing very severe erythema on inner surface of thighs; pruritus vulva, or a severe urethro-vaginitis during flow; womb painful; intense desires for coition during menses; urine often albuminous and bloody. Desire for oranges, acid fruits, onions, nuts, brandy, and stimulating things. During flow dragging pains in ovaries, worse in the right ovary. This remedy acts better in bilious temperaments, in gonorrhoea of the first and second stages. It is sometimes indicated in dysmenorrhoea due to gonorrhoeal poison; it affects the whole genito-urinary tract. It is worse at night, and better from motion.


Anti-sycotic. Menstruation scanty, often comes on with an exhausting diarrhoea; choleraic form of menstruation, with nausea and vomiting (Veratrum alb., Cuprum,). Stools watery, yellow, gushing; worse from drinking and eating. Intense itching of the genitals during menses; vesicular eruption on external, genital organs during menses (Rhus); eruptions, burning, itching. Drawing pain in the nipple of the breast, as if something were pulling on it (Kent). Drawing pain in umbilicus or in uterus during menses. The eruption and diarrhoea often alternate, when one is better the other is worse. Intense itching of the genital organs, better by gentle rubbing and scratching. Pain from nipple through to shoulder blade when child nurses.


This is a sycotic remedy. It is indicated in malignant or specific cases, with anaemia, face yellow, jaundiced, pale, waxy; menses suppressed for a long time due to anaemia (Ferrum, Mang.); vicarious menstruation in a severe form; bleeding or oozing of dark fluid blood from ears, eyes, nose, gums, and teeth. Menstrual flow continuous, either dark and clotted or thin, and fluid with no tendency to clot. (Naja., Lachesis, Elaps., Carbo veg.). Malignancies (Conium, Arsenicum) and puerperal States (Secale). She bleeds from every orifice of the body as well as the uterus. Indicated in sycotic diseases, in menstrual troubles, in typhoid or low septic fevers, abortions, septic poisoning, and puerperal states.

Concomitants : Fearful dreams, of murder, dead people, grave- yards, etc. (Lachesis, Lac. Can.).

Face besotted looking, cadaverous; craves intoxicants; aggravation after sleep (Lachesis); she sleeps into an aggravation; all discharges offensive, fluid, black, continuous, character of disease rapid and malignant.


Many of the symptoms of this remedy will be found in the pseudo- psoric patient. The menstruation is too early and too copious. There is hemorrhage when rising to the feet, the blood comes in gushes. In this remedy the menses are also very scanty, often but a few drops of black or very dark blood, and usually coagulated. There is often a leucorrhoea instead of menses. Great weakness in the back with crampy colic; spasms of the chest, and marked hysterical symptoms (Minton); menses with great nausea; extreme vertigo and spinal irritation. There is a painful pressure, with crampy pain in the chest and great nausea. Violent cramps deep in the abdomen during menses; so weak she is scarcely able to walk; occipital headaches during menses, with vertigo nausea when rising form a recumbent position, or riding in a train or carriage; vomits a sour substance. She has a dry, fatiguing, laryngeal cough during menses, and much dryness of the larynx. It is adapted to light haired women of a lively disposition, who are subject to uterine and nervous complaints; always full of trouble and imaginary fear. Another symptom is uterine colic, with sensation as if sharp stones were rubbing together in abdomen (Coloc.). Distention of the abdomen with sharp, cutting, contractive, colicky pains and a scanty flow; severe spasmodic pain in the neck of the uterus, with cramp like pains in the chest; fainting and nausea.


This is a syco-psoric remedy, but very markedly sycotic in its menstrual phenomena. Menses too early, too profuse, black, clotted; clots small (large, China and Sabina); sensation as if menses would make their appearance in a few hours. She has colic and dragging down in region of sexual organs. Pressing in the pudendum with great sexual excitement. Flow comes away in fibrous clots or in long strings. Flow passes dark, clotted or stringy; much commotion in abdomen during menses, not infrequently a sensation as if something alive were in abdomen (Thuja, Lycopodium); abortion at third month. Mental symptoms; disagreeable mood; she sings, laughs, dances, whistles, wants to kiss everybody (Hyoscyamus). Ill tempered, sad and anxious or full of hilarity; great debility, with palpitation of the heart; hemorrhage from any orifice of body, with or without pain; sensation when moving the head as if the brain was loose.


Anti-psoric, “Indicated in stout, plethoric, robust people who have suffered from loose of blood or exhausting discharges.” (H.C. Allen). Menstruation too early, very copious, dark and coagulated, or pale and watery with coagula, suppression from chagrin (Anacard.); great fullness in the uterus during menses, with pressing towards the genital organs. Severe, painless hemorrhages with prolonged vertigo; fainting often during the hemorrhages with desire to be fanned violently (gently, Carbo veg.); sight suddenly disappears, and everything becomes dark about her during severe hemorrhages. Sometimes the extremities become cold and the whole body is covered with a cold clammy perspiration; there is ringing in the ears, together with vanishing of vision, a very marked set of symptoms for china. Everything tastes bitter or sour. The veins are distended and are very blue; under the nails it is blue (Carbo veg.); blue rings around the eyes, face pale or sickly looking often of a sunken appearance with pointed nose; red lips, much thirst for cold water. She is aggravated by the slightest draft of air or touch; worse every other day, and better from hard pressure.


Anti-sycotic. Indicated in the gouty and rheumatic expression of Sycosis, especially when the digestive process is so disturbed that the uric acid diathesis develops. Menses too early and scanty, or there may be suppression of menses during rheumatic or gouty attacks; metastasis to the internal organs; often suppression of the menses. It acts upon the periosteum and synovial membranes. The urine is dark, scanty, looks like beer, and has a white sediment. All the symptoms are aggravated in cold, damp weather, and are often worse on such days in summer (Dulcamara). She is super-sensitive to odors, especially to that of cooking foods. There is nausea from the smell of cooking food, not alone in pregnancy. Great distention of the abdomen during menses; colic with tenderness and soreness; worse from cold, eating and motion. She has autumnal diarrhoea and dysentery, coming on when the nights get cool; stools are bloody, jelly-like or white mucus with much tenesmus; often when the stool becomes cool, it assumes a jelly-like consistency; burning in the stomach or icy coldness with much flatulent distention; great heaviness of the body and especially of the feet; tired feeling in lower limbs and feet.


Syco-psoric. The menses are apt to be delayed and when they do begin, they are accompanied with cataleptic attacks or spasmodic nervous affections. During menses there is a constant pain under the right shoulder blade at the inner border (Chelidon); sensation of coldness in the occiput ascending from the nape of the neck; complexion sallow or jaundiced; taste bitter, tongue coated yellow; choking in the throat as from hasty swallowing; dry, hollow, spasmodic cough; sensation as if something were about the throat, or as if a fish-bone were in the throat (Hepar). Epileptic or choreic convulsions during menses, violent, with fearful distortion of the limbs, loss of consciousness with opisthotonus, renewed by the slightest touch or jar. Quite often the spasmodic symptoms calling for this remedy arise from injuries to the head or from suppressed eruptions. Aggravated by touch. (See mental symptoms and desires in Dr.Kent’s Materia Medica, pages 410 and 411).

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908