Dysmenorrhoea Therapeutics

Concomitants : Sleepy, tired, desire to lie down during the day; stools hard like sheep’s dung; burning in anus; sharp pains in the region of the kidneys; shooting, darting pains in renal region; pains run around towards the bladder; urine dark with a mealy sediment; feeling of stiffness in back so that it is difficult for her to rise from a sitting position; adapted to women with renal troubles; backache worse when lying in bed; pains persistent, continuous : complexion pale, dark circles about the eyes; rheumatic and gouty complaints; tertiary Sycosis; gouty state of the bladder (Benzoic acid); acts well I find after Bryonia. Its general aggravation is motion, or jolting in car or carriage. It comes in between Kali, carb and Bryonia.


Menses protracted and profuse with violent cramps; uterine colic and pain in breasts. This is one of the few remedies in which the flow is slow in starting; the second day we usually have a severe hemorrhage; flow dark, clotted, and accompanied with colic and sometimes vomiting; lots large and dark (Sabina). Constipation, stool hard and dry; sometimes the pains in uterus have bearing down character in which it resembles Sepia. It seems to me to be a remedy which comes in between Sepia and Pulsatilla, yet it has features of other remedies. Occasionally in the proving, the menses were of a bright red color when they began and when they ended were dark and clotted. Pains drawing; aching in small of back; worse sitting down; pain low down in the uterus; worse in the morning before rising and on rising. Weakness in the uterus; pain in lower back; consciousness of uterus all the time; tired faint feeling all day; bitter taste in mouth and hunger after eating. Better from cold bathing and open air.


Menses dark red; too early and profuse; nose bleed during menses or in place or menses in pseudo-psoric individuals; severe headache, with nose bleed during menses; congestion of blood to head and chest, (like Bell) during the flow. Nausea on sitting up or moving about; better lying quiet; hemorrhage greatly increased on motion. Bleeding from the nose or spitting of blood in place of the menses. Constipation; stools dry, hard as if burnt. Great thirst for large drinks of cold water; dryness of lips and mouth with great thirst. Extremely irritable, gets angry at the slightest cause. Tongue dry, thickly coated white with a bitter taste. Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea with general Bryonia symptoms; pains sharp, shooting and stitching. Great congestion of the ovaries at menstrual period; flow suppressed from drinking cold water, from over-heating or over-exertion. Threatened peritonitis after suppression of the menses or metastasis to internal organs, as ovarian congestion, headaches, gastritis, acute rheumatism or arthritis. Aggravations, warm room, motion and in the morning.


Pseudo-psoric; flow premature and copious of the bright red blood; hemorrhage with much exhaustion; membranous dysmenorrhoea; contraction or constrictive like spasms in the abdomen; great soreness of the abdomen following the attacks. The contractions are at the beginning or commencement of flow; pain in the abdomen and small of back, with discharge of pure, red blood and membranous shreds; gas passes from the vagina during flow; passes with a loud noise like Lycopodium. She has vertigo from looking at running water like Ferrum; sensation of spiders web on face (Mag. carb.); ovary hard and swollen; much hoarseness and rawness in the throat. Adapted to fair, light haired women with blue eyes.


dysmenorrhoea with burning in the ovaries, or in both uterus and ovaries; occasionally extending to the external genital organs. The malignant conditions and carcinomatous pains (like Arsenicum) burn like fire. All its discharges are very offensive, horribly so; spasms or epileptic attacks during menses. All these symptoms are worse just before or during menses. In Bufo we have a wonderful remedy for the malignancies arising from the mixed miasms Pseudo-psora and Sycosis; all of its diseases are of a low form. Aggravations, warm room, putting feet in warm water; better in cool air.


This is a syco-syphilitic remedy, indicated in mixed Syphilis, or where both venereal diseases are present, (Thuja, Nit. acid, Medorrh.) especially where condylomata are present. At menstruation she suffers with an intense frontal headache; during and before menses increased flow of saliva or copious flow of urine; aching in small of back, and bruised feeling in the spine; cramps in the bowels; diarrhoea and much prostration; fullness in the throat with desire to swallow; great lassitude and prostration with a feeling of lameness all over the body. Indicated in syco-syphilitic or syco-tubercular patients, where there are bleeding warts or discharging condylomata. She has a sanguine temperament, and is aggravated at night, and by touch. Her headache is better from pressure.


Syco-psoric. Suppression of menstruation from chagrin or anger. All its pains are crampy or colicky. Severe crampy pains during menses, causing her to draw her limbs up to abdomen; pain in left ovary as if squeezed in a vice; colicky pains in abdomen coming on in paroxysms, doubling her up and increasing in severity. Severe cutting in abdomen, better by hard pressure with the hand and worse by gentle pressure; better from heat, such as hot applications, hot plates or fomentations. When the uterine pains are at their height, nausea and vomiting come on. Pains are clutching as if the parts were grasped by a hand (Cactus).

Case 1. Miss B., aged 20, weight about 140; found her lying in bed with her limbs drawn up, with a hot plate over abdomen, and was pressing down upon the plate with all her strength. She was moaning and groaning with pain; every now and then she would raise up, lean forward, and press with her hands upon the abdomen. Menses had just made their appearance. Colocynthis 30th potency relieved her in a few minutes, and she resumed her housework in a few hours.

Case 2. Alice H., age 40, widow. Found her suffering with severe colicky pains in lower abdomen while menstruating. These pains were cutting colicky, came in paroxysms, increasing in severity, and when pains were at their height she had nausea; was better from heat and pressing over the affected parts. She had diarrhoea with yellowish, watery, stools, and bowels began to move when pains became severe.


Anti-psoric and pseudo-psoric. Menses too late and too protracted. Suppression of foot sweat or sweat in general. Before the menses, violent palpitation of the heart; dyspnoea, rush of blood to the head, nausea, vomiting, purging, and convulsive motion of the limbs, with spasms of the muscles, cramps in limbs and abdomen. Menses with nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is relieved by a drink of cold water; reverse of Arsenicum, taste in mouth metallic; face pale or bluish; lips blue or earthy color. Choleraic dysmenorrhoea; spasms, contractions and convulsions of the muscles. Tonic contractions of hands and feet; limbs drawn up violently, cries out when spasms come on; dysentery with rice- water discharges; face a picture of fear; fear of death (Arsenicum); spasms often begin in fingers and toes. Hysterical and nervous symptoms often a marked feature. Indicated in young girls just beginning to menstruate (Aconite, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Nux. Verat Album, Gel., Bovis), or those who have menses suppressed getting wet in rain, or from going in bathing and remaining in too long; anaemic and chlorotic states.


Menses regular, or too early and profuse. “This,” says Dr. Minton, “is one of the best general remedies that I know of for postpartum hemorrhages, especially if the flow is sudden, profuse and of a bright red color.” (Ipecac., Belladonna, Millefolium, and Sabina). It stands high as a remedy when the hemorrhage is due to lifting, or when there is a threatened miscarriage, caused by a strain in the loins, or from a sudden jar to the body, from a false step. The flow is bright red, arterial blood. It has nausea while riding in a carriage (Coccu). It is one of the best remedies for the vomiting of pregnancy, after lifting or straining. She vomits mucus (Hydrastis), has much nervousness and hysteria, and is better by eructation of gas. (Asafoetida).


This is an anti-sycotic remedy and its whole sphere of action portrays that miasm. The menses are dark, even black, retarded, and often copious. The pains are of a burning nature and are almost always accompanied with irritation of the neck of the bladder and vesical tenesmus, or in other words membranous dysmenorrhoea with severe dysuria, burning in the vulva and vagina, and pain in the region of the kidneys, with painful urination.

Concomitants : Anxious, restless, head hot, with much mental sufferings (Arsenicum) often ending in rage; in the sexual sphere there is amorous frenzy with shameless gesticulations; complexion sallow or pale, sickly looking. Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time; urine bloody, turbid and scanty, with burning and smarting in neck of bladder after urination.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908