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Symptoms of Latent Psora – 3

Symptoms of Latent Psora include Disorders of the menstrual function; the menses do not appear regularly on the twenty-eighth day after their last appearance, they do not come on without other ailments and not at once, and do not continue steadily for three or four days….

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After meals, very tired and sleepy.1

After meals, as if intoxicated.

After meals, headache.

After meals, palpitation of the heart.

Alleviation of several, even remote, complaints from eating.

The flatus does not pass off, but moves about, causing many ailments of body and of spirit.2

The abdomen is distended by flatus,3 the abdomen feels full, especially after a meal.

Sensation as if the flatus ascended; followed by eructations – then often a sensation of burning in the throat, or vomiting by day and by night.

Pain in the hypochondria when touched, and in motion, or also during rest.

Constricting pain in the epigastrium, immediately under the ribs.

Cutting pains in the abdomen, as if from obstructed flatus; there is a constant sensation of fullness in the abdomen – the flatus rises upwards.

Cutting pains in the abdomen almost daily, especially with children, oftener in the morning than in other parts of the day, sometimes day and night, without diarrhoea.

Cutting pains in the abdomen, especially on the one side of the abdomen, or the groin.4

In the abdomen, qualmishness, a sensation of voidness, disagreeable emptiness,5 even immediately after eating, he felt as if he had not eaten anything.

From the small of the back, around the abdomen, especially below the stomach, a sensation of constriction as from a bandage, after she had had no stool for several days.

Pain in the liver, when touching the right side of the abdomen.

Pain in the liver, a pressure and tension-a tension below the ribs on the right side.

Below the last ribs (in the hypochondria), a tension and pressure all over, which checks the breathing and makes the mind anxious and sad.


(1 Often until the patient lies down and sleeps.)

(2 At times drawing pains in the, limbs, especially in the lower limbs, or stitches in the pit of the stomach, or in the side of the abdomen, etc.)

(3 The flatus often ascends; less frequently a great quantity of flatus is charged, especially in the morning, without smell and without alleviating the other ailments; in other cases flatulence, with a great quantity of excessively fetid flatus passing off.)

(4 The cutting pain also at times passes down into the rectum and down the thigh.)

(5 In some cases alternating with a contractive pain in the abdomen.)

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Pain in the liver, stitches – mostly when stooping quickly.

Inflammation of the liver.

Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.1

Hardness of the abdomen.

Crampy colic, a grasping pain in the bowels.

In colic, coldness on one side of the abdomen.

A clucking, croaking and audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.2

So-called uterine spasms, like labor pains, grasping pains often compelling the patient to lie down, frequently quickly distending the abdomen without flatulence.

In the lower abdomen, pains pressing down toward the genitals.3

Inguinal hernias, often painful while speaking and singing.4

Swellings of the inguinal glands, which sometimes turn into suppuration.

Constipation; delayed stools sometimes for several days, not infrequently with repeated ineffectual urging to stool.

Stools hard, as if burnt, in small knots, like sheep-dung, often covered with mucus, sometimes also enveloped by veinlets of blood.

Stools of mere mucus (mucous piles).

Passage of round worms from the anus.

Discharge of pieces of tape-worm.

Stools, in the beginning very hard and troublesome, followed by diarrhoea.

Very pale, whitish stool.

Grey stools.

Green stools.

Clay-colored stools.

Stools with putrid, sour smell.

At the stools, cutting pains in the rectum.

Stools show diarrhoea for several weeks, months, years.5

Frequently repeated diarrhoea, with cutting pains in the abdomen, lasting several days.


(1 Which often rises to the pit of the stomach, digging and causing vomiting.)

(2 At times only in the left side of the abdomen, passing upwards with the inspiration and downward with the expiration.)

(3 Pressing down as if to cause a prolapsus, and when it is passed she feels heavy in all her limbs, the limbs go to sleep; she must stretch and extend her limbs.)

(4 Inguinal hernias rise as a rule only from internal psora, excepting the few cases, when these parts are injured by great external violence, or when the hernia arises from superhuman exertions of the body through lifting or pushing quickly, while in a great fright.)

(5 Usually preceded by rumbling or fermentation in the abdomen; chiefly in the morning.)

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After a stool, especially after a softer, more copious evacuation, great and sudden prostration.1

Diarrhoea, soon so weakening, that she cannot walk alone.

Painless and painful haemorrhoidal varices on the anus, 2 the rectum (blind piles).

Bleeding haemorrhoidal varices on the anus or in the rectum3 (running piles), especially during stools, after which the haemorrhoids often pain violently for a long time.

With bloody discharges in the anus or in the rectum, ebullition of blood through the body and short breathing.

Formication and itching formication in the rectum, with or without the discharge of ascarides.

Itching and erosion in the anus and the perineum.

Polypi in the rectum.

During micturition, anxiety, also at times prostration.

At times too much urine is discharged, succeeded by great weariness.4

Painful retention of urine (with children and old people).

When he is chilled (feels cold through and through), he cannot urinate.

At times owing to flatulence, she cannot urinate.

The urethra is constricted in parts, especially in the morning.5

Pressure on the bladder, as if from an urging to urinate, immediately after drinking.

He cannot hold the urine for any length of time, it presses on the bladder, and passes off while he walks, sneezes, coughs or laughs.

Frequent micturition at night; he has to get up frequently at night for that purpose.

Urine passes off in sleep involuntarily.


(1 Especially, weakness in the pit of the stomach, anxiety, restlessness, also at times chills in the abdomen or the small of the back, etc.)

(2 Which not infrequently have a slimy fluid oozing from them.)

(3 Fistula in ano have probably never any other cause than this malady, especially when to this there are added a stimulating diet, an excess in spirituous liquors, frequent laxatives, a sedentary occupation and abuse of the sexual instinct.)

(4 Diabetes, which with Allopathic remedies is usually so fatal, has probably never any other origin than this malady.)

(5 The urine frequently passes off as thin as a thread, or the stream spreads out; the urine is only discharged in jerks at long intervals; these interruptions are frequently caused by a spasm in the neck, of the bladder which antagonizes the action of the bladder and springs from the same psoric malady. So also inflammation of the bladder from strictures of the urethra, and the fistula in vesica are always of psoric origin, though in rare cases sycosis may be complicated with the psora.)

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After urinating, the urine continues to drip out for a long time,.

Whitish. urine, with a sweetish smell and taste, passes off in excessive abundance, with prostration, emaciation and inextinguishable thirst (diabetes).

During urination, burning, also lancinating pains in the urethra and the neck of the bladder.

Urine of penetrating, sharp odor.

The urine quickly deposits a sediment.

The urine discharged is at once turbid like whey.

With the urine there is discharged from time to time a red sand (kidney grits).

Dark-yellow urine.

Brown urine.

Blackish urine.

Urine with blood particles, also at times complete hematuria.

Discharge of prostatic fluid after urination, but especially after a difficult stool (also almost constant dripping of the same).1

Nocturnal passage of semen, too frequent, one, two or three times a week, or even every night.2

Nightly discharge of the genital fluid in a women, with voluptuous dreams.

Nocturnal pollutions, even if not frequent, yet immediately attended by evil consequences.3

Semen passes off almost involuntarily the daytime, with little excitation, often even without erection.

Erections very frequent, long continuing, very painful without pollutions.

The semen is not discharged, even during a long-continued coition and with a proper erection,4 but it passes off afterward in nocturnal pollutions or with the urine.

Accumulation of water in the tunica vaginalis of the testicle (hydrocele).

There is never a complete erection, even with the most voluptuous excitement.


(1 Sometimes also consumption from the constant oozing out of the prostatic fluid.)

(2 With healthy chaste young men, pollutions naturally only take place every twelve or fourteen days, without any attending troubles, and they are (followed by cheerfulness and a feeling of strength and serenity.)

(3 Gloominess, obtuseness, dimness of the thinking powers, diminished vividness of the imagination, want of memory, depression, melancholy; the vision is weakened, as well as the digestion and the appetite; stools are retained, a rush of blood to the head ensues, also toward the anus, etc.)

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.