
Important homeopathic Medicines for cholera and infantile diarrhoea by J.h.Clark….


The same medicines as are indicated in Asiatic cholera are also called for in summer diarrhoea; but as in the latter the symptoms are, as a rule, less urgent and violent, so they are more varied, and call for a greater range of medicines. In chronic diarrhoea the same medicines are required as in acute when the symptoms correspond, but they must not be repeated so frequently. A dose three or four times a day will be sufficient.

Camphor is still the first medicine to be thought of when, with internal pains, diarrhoea, and vomiting, there are great coldness, great aversion to be covered, blueness of countenance, sudden failure of strength. As soon as the chilliness sets in, two camphor pilules every fifteen minutes will often prevent the attack from developing. If the attack is already pronounced, two drops of Rubini’s tincture of camphor on a little sugar every ten to fifteen minutes, with friction of the limbs and hands with camphor spirit.

Veratrum alb.1.-Violent internal pains, copious watery evacuations, blueness, coldness, cold moisture on forehead. A drop every five to twenty minutes.

Arsenicum 3.- Great anxiety and fear of death, restlessness thirst, great anguish, internal burning heat with external coldness and desire for warmth, diarrhoea and vomiting after the least food or drink. A drop every five to twenty minutes. Chronic diarrhoea. Diarrhoea alternating with asthma in chilly subjects.

Cuprum 5. – Cramps in the limbs, crampy spasmodic pains in the body, oppression of breathing, vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness A drop every five to twenty minutes.

Cuprum arsenicosum 5.-Where the symptoms of Arsenicum and Cuprum appear combined in the same patient.

Carbo vegetabilis 12.-Offensive diarrhoea, great prostration, cold breath, diarrhoea in asthmatics, the patient cannot bear warmth of any kind.

Every half-hour till relief is obtained in acute cases; two or three times a day in chronic ones.

Baptisia 3x.-Diarrhoea with heaviness, pains in limbs, general soreness of the body, typhoid condition. Diarrhoea connected with pain in region of gall-bladder. Every two or three hours.

Bryonia 3.- Diarrhoea aggravated by least motion, pains in body worse by pressure or motion. Diarrhoea on every spell of hot weather. Every two hours.

Colocynth 3.- Frequent watery stools, brown in colour, accompanied by colicy pains. Patients must bend double to obtain relief. Every two hours, or after each motion.

Podophyllum 3.-Diarrhoea and vomiting. Stool early in morning, light yellow; great prostration. Prolapse of bowel with stool. Every two or three hours.

Mercurius sol. 6.- Slimy stools containing streaks of blood. Spongy bleeding gums; bad odour from mouth. Every two or three hours.

Sulph 6.- Early morning diarrhoea. In patients with eruptive tendency. Sinking at epigastrium worse in the forenoon. three or four times a day.

In CHOLERA OF INFANTS the following medicines are most frequently called for:-

Aconite 3.- Watery diarrhoea, crying, complaining, restlessness

When the attack has been brought on by a chill, and is attended by feverishness. Every half-hour till improvement sets in, then less often.

Arsenicum 3.-In the same cases as Aconite, when there is great weakness, pallor, emaciation, thirst, white or brownish offensive diarrhoea; stools rather scanty than copious, worse after mid- night or towards morning; aggravated after eating or drinking. Nothing can be retained in the stomach. Great restlessness, anxious expression.

Apis 3.-Morning diarrhoea; copious gushing yellow stools; the child cannot bear to be moved. Brain symptoms threaten.

AEthusa Cynapium 3 will cure a large number of cases in which there is intolerance of milk. Here is a typical case. A short time ago I was asked to see an infant girl 7 weeks old, suffering from diarrhoea. The history given to me was that she had suffered from wind since her birth, and had been crying all the time, more or less, both night and day. An allopathic practitioner who had attended the mother on her confinement had been unable to do anything for the child, and the parents decided to try a change of treatment.

The child was very thin; nothing would stay in its stomach; milk was vomited curdled almost as soon as taken. The navel was protruded with constant crying, and sore.

There was irritating diarrhoea, the stools being light, and the water was strong and offensive. With the attack of diarrhoea there were convulsive movements, and drawing up of the legs. She screamed incessantly every night from 12 to 3 A.M. I prescribed Aethusa. c.3, a drop every two hours, and that night was the first quiet night she had since her birth. There was no more vomiting, and very little diarrhoea. Only three screaming attacks in the 24 hours, and these not severe ones. Subsequently the screaming became rather worse; the child could not be pacified unless carried, and there was some intertrigo or “chafing,” though the vomiting and diarrhoea had not returned. Chamomilla 30 soon completed the cure.

Calcarea carb.6.-Sour vomiting, sour green stools, great perspiration about the head, cold clammy feet. A dose every hour or two till better.

Silica 6.-For the same condition as Calc-c., except that the stools are green and fetid instead of green and sour. A drop every hour or two.

China 3 (every hour or two)- Diarrhoea occurring after every meal, the stools being fetid, thin, and containing undigested particles.

Helleborus niger 3-White jellylike stools with tenesmus. Frequent watery stools. Brain symptoms supervene; twitching of muscles; sudden relaxation of all muscles, and sinking of strength. Every half-hour till relieved.

Ipecac.3.-At the beginning of an attack where there is nausea, and vomiting of food and drink, or mucus and bile; thirst. Every half-hour until relieved.

Sulph.3 or 30.-Every hour or two when the diarrhoea comes on early in the morning, the stools being thin, watery, and slimy.

Verat,. alb. 3.-Prostration, copious vomiting so as almost to cause fainting, great coldness, cold sweat on forehead, copious loose stools, great thirst for cold water, but drinking excites vomiting, as also does the least movement. Every hour till better.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica