THERIDION CURASSAVICUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine THERIDION CURASSAVICUM…


Through the cerebro-spinal system, it especially affects the pneumogastric nerve.


Most complaints are accompanied with vertigo.

Time seems to pass very rapidly. — LIPPE.

Great aversion to work..

Great inclination to be startled. -.

Anxiety about the heart. -.

Every penetrating sound and reverberation penetrates through her whole body, particularly through the teeth, and increases the vertigo, which then causes nausea. -.

Headache behind the eyes.-.

Vertigo and nausea increased to vomiting. -.

Digestive Organs.- Nausea increased to vomiting during vertigo. -.

Nausea and vomiting when closing the eyes. -.

Nausea and fainting; after it very pale, and sick at the stomach, as soon as she closed her eyes; with vanishing of her thoughts.-.

From these gastric symptoms we must infer that its principal action is spent on the base of the brain.

Chest.- Violent stitches high up in the chest, beneath the left shoulder; are perceived even in the throat. — H.

Pains in all the bones, as if every part would fall asunder; feels as if broken from head to foot.

Adapted to scrofulosis, where the best chosen medicines do nothing. In phthisis florida, Theridion is indispensible, and effects an entire cure if given in the beginning of the disease.

In cases of rachitis, caries, necrosis, I chiefly depend on Theridion, which although it does not seem to affect the external scrofulous symptoms, apparently goes to the root of the evil, and effectually destroys the cause of the disease.– DR. BARUCH.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881