SABINA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine SABINA…


Through the cerebro-spinal system, Sabina especially affects the generative organs of women, and urinary organs. Upon the uterus it produces, congestions, inflammation, hemorrhage, abortion and death. Upon the urinary organs, it produces congestion, inflammation and great strangury.

Upon the gastro-intestinal canal; congestion, inflammation, intense pain, purging and death.

The liver is also much affected by this remedy.

Also produces an arthritic diathesis.


Especially adapted to plethoric women, whose menses are habitually profuse, with drawing and tearing pains, from the back through to the pubes.

Metrorrhagia of clotted and fluid blood, with pain extending from the sacrum, or lumbar region, to the pubes.

Especially useful in protracted uterine hemorrhages, arising from a loss of tone in the vessels of the uterus, whether from disease, or the weight and pressure of the foetus in utero; blood dark and clotted.

Hemorrhage after abortion or parturition: the blood dark, having blackish clots, mixed with thin, watery blood; the pain extends from the back through to the pubes.

Excessive, debilitating menses, with abdominal spasms; the blood is partly fluid and partly clotted, and the pain runs from the back through to the pubes.

Walking lessens the flow of menses.

Dysmenorrhoea, with violent pain extending from the back through to the pubes.

Suppression of the menses is followed by a thin, fetid leucorrhoea.

This is one of the best remedies we have to prevent abortion, at about the third month. Should be given in the 200th.

Yellowish, ichorous, fetid leucorrhoea, and painful discharges of fetid blood every two weeks.

Leucorrhoea, after suppression of the menses; inclining to be corrosive, with itching of the vulva.

Copious, starch-like leucorrhoea, with drawing pains in the broad of the back through to the pubes.

She is very nervous and hysterical and if she becomes pregnant, is almost sure to abort about the third month.

Dystocia; pain of an uneasy, bad feeling, extending from the sacrum through to the pubes.

Digestive Organs.-Quivering in the abdomen as if there was something alive in it.

Diarrhoea, with pain extending from the back through to the pubes.

Frequent urging to stool; finally a liquid portion is discharged, followed by a hard portion.

Constipation; stools difficult and painful; pain from the back to the pubis.

Piles; discharge of bright red or dark venous blood, with pain from the back through to the pubis.

Ardor urinae, and profuse discharge of dark, bloody urine, with the abdominal spasms.

Mind.- Much irritability of temper.

Music is intolerable to her.

Skin.-Fig-warts, with intolerable itching and burning in them.

Broad condylomata.

The cysts become swollen, red and painful to the touch, or there are tearing pains during rest.

Boenninghausen says, He found Sabina the most efficient remedy in gout; and since it produces condylomata, it may be suspected that this malady, so much dreaded by our fathers, may have sycotic anamnesis.

Chronic arthritis; cannot bear a heated room, better in cool air.G. See Pulsatilla.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881