KREOSOTE signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine KREOSOTE…


Through the organic nervous system, it acts upon the digestive organs, teeth, bones, lymphatics, and especially upon the generative organs of women. This remedy affects the organism very much like Pulsatilla; but more powerfully and deeply. As a remedy for female diseases it is a rival of Pulsatilla.


Acridity of the secretions is one of the leading indications for Kreosote, and it is especially adapted to putrid diseases, showing the great action it has on the lymphatics.

Female Generative Organs.-Menses too early, too profuse, and last too long; inclined to be intermittent; she thinks she is almost well, when the discharge returns afresh.

She always feels chilly at the menstrual period. This shows that the posterior portion of the spinal cord is affected.

Difficulty of hearing, before and during the menses, with buzzing and humming in the head.

The menses are usually too frequent and too profuse, succeeded by an acrid-smelling bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts, and more or less pain during the flow, but much aggravated after it ceases.

Acrid bloody ichor from the womb, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts; stitches in the vagina.

Putrid, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea, with great debility, particularly of the lower extremities; it may be mild or acrid, causing much itching.

Digestive Organs.-Teeth decay as soon as they appear.

When dentition is so badly performed as to become a disease, comprising a general irritation of the teeth themselves, especially when the child is constipated, with great irritability and sleeplessness.

Sympathetic vomiting, where the irritation starts from some other other organ besides the stomach.

Constipation in cachectic, delicate children.

Caries of the teeth, when the pain is accompanied by turgescence of the gums, and facial congestion.

Chest.-Paroxysmal, moist cough, apparently caused by something crawling behind the sternum.-PROF. WALKER.

Spasmodic, moist cough.

Generalities.-Buzzing and ringing in the head, with deafness during the menses.

Intense itching of the margins of the eyelids, greatly aggravated by rubbing or touching them.

Wretched, livid complexion.

Complexion livid; disposition sad and irritable.

Oedema of the feet.

Fetid sweat of the feet.

Herpes: humid, scaly, pustulous; one ars, eyelids, cheeks, mouth, elbows, fingers, malleoli; or large, greasy, pox-shaped pustules all over the body.

This is one of the most valuable remedies in the Materia Medica, but is used by physicians but little.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881