KALI HYDRIODICUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine KALI HYDRIODICUM…


Through the vegetative nervous system, it especially affects the mucous membranes, acting more powerfully upon those of the respiratory tract and kidneys. Upon the lymphatic and glandular system, it has a specific and powerful action, closely resembling mercury. Upon the blood it has a disorganizing effect.


Especially adapted to scrofulous people, who have been thoroughly saturated with mercury; to secondary and tertiary syphilis, and to chronic rheumatism.

Has disease of the mucous membrane of the mouth, respiratory organs, or kidneys.

The best-known antidote for all the bad effects of mercury.

Drinking cold milk aggravates all her symptoms.

Head.-Congestion of the brain from suppression of habitual catarrh of the nose.

Complete blindness, from effusion of water on the brain, with dilated pupils, staring, watery eyes, frequent crying out and vomiting. and Oedema of the eyelids.

Digestive Organs.-Heat in the whole mouth with swelling.

Chronic angina faucium, with ulceration of the velum in scrofulous subjects.

Fetid odor from the mouth.

Violent ptyalism, with irregular superficial ulceration of mucous lining of the mouth; the surface looks white, as if covered with milk.-HEMPEL.

Gums recede from the teeth, which are loose.

Impossible to open the mouth.-HEMPEL.

Impressions of the teeth are left on the swollen tongue.- HEMPEL.

Degeneration of the mucous membrane of the stomach, with vomiting, heartburn, emaciation, and diarrhoea.-HEMPEL.

Genito Urinary Organs.-Enuresis at night in scrofulous children.

Profuse flow of urine.

Gonorrhoea of long standing, with discharge of green, thick mucus, without pain or constant urging to urinate; very sensitive and irritable urethra.-HEMPEL.

Mucous discharge from the urethra in both sexes.

Respiratory Organs.-Chronic catarrh of the frontal sinus, in scrofulous old people.

Red swollen nose, with constant discharge of a watery, acrid, colorless liquid. HEMPEL.

Watery nasal discharge, that feels cool, and does not excoriate.

Painful sneezing, profuse lachrymation, injected conjunctiva, and throbbing distress in the frontal sinus.-HEMPEL.

Dry hacking cough, afterwards followed by copious green expectoration.-HEMPEL.

Mucous phthisis, with purulent expectoration, exhausting night sweats, and loose stools.

Asthma, in young people that have not gotten their growth, with many rheumatic symptoms about the chest.

This is without doubt one of the very best remedies we have for asthma of long standing, and should be carefully studied.

Chronic rheumatism, especially if located about the chest.

The best known antidote for the chronic effects of mercury and syphilis.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881