KALI CHLORICUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine KALI CHLORICUM…


Through the ganglionic system, it especially affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and urinary organs; and also the glandular system.


This may be called a specific for aphthae and stomatitis; it will cure almost every case.

Heat and dryness of the mouth.

Peeling off of the lips.

Burning, stinging blisters on the tongue and buccal cavity.

Gums inflamed; very sensitive; bleed frequently, sometimes salivation.

Very fetid breath.

Follicular ulcers on the inside of the lips, and dorsum of the tongue; mouth full of saliva; glands enlarged and tender. In cachectic conditions of the whole system.

Catarrhal inflammation of the kidneys.

Secondary syphilis.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881