HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS…


Through the ganglionic system, it especially acts upon the mucous membranes of the outlets of the body; as the mouth, nose, eyes, throat, rectum, vagina, uterine cervix, and urinary organs.

Also affects the lymphatic glandular system.


Infantile excoriations in the folds of the neck and groins.

(Use the dry powder.) HALE.

Stomatitis, with simple ulceration of the buccal mucous membrane. The muriate of Hydrastia acts best.–HALE.

After menstruation, leucorrhoea like the white of an egg.– DR. BOYCE.

Erosions, and superficial ulceration of the cervix and vagina, with tenacious discharge.–HALE.

Especially pruritus, with profuse albuminous leucorrhoea, accompanied by sexual excitement.–DR. C.W. BOYCE.

Subacute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the penis and bladder.

Balanitis, the dry powder is a specific.

Gonorrhoea, it is very valuable as an injection.

Dull aching pains in the stomach, which cause a very weak, faint feeling.–B.

Great sinking at the epigastrium, with violent and long- continued palpitation.–B.

Goneness in the epigastrium; acidity and constipation; after stool for hours, severe pain in the rectum and anus.–B.

Cachectic condition with loss of appetite and fainting turns.

Simple constipation of an hepatic origin.

Small-pox; great swelling; redness and itching, with great soreness of the throat.

Cough with expectoration of thick, yellow, very tenacious mucus, stringy and profuse. In cancerous tumors it has of late enjoyed quite a reputation; but the CHARACTERISTICS are not known; probably of a hard, knotty nature.

Simple ulcers.

Early stage of cancer, and chiefly where its situation is in a gland; or in the immediate vicinity.–DR. BAYES.

Old people with debility.-.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881