GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS…


This is a cerebro-spinal remedy, more especially acting on the motor nerves, paralyzing the muscular system.

The most prominent of all the effects of Gelseminum is to induce a profound and intense prostration of the whole muscular system. Its effects are first manifested on the voluntary muscles and then on the involuntary. This action is caused by impairing the vitality of those nerves which supply it with life.–HALE.

Nerves of Sensation.–Its action on these nerves is not direct, but the excess of sensitiveness is probably caused by its cramp-like contraction of muscles which are presided over by the motor nerves, which it so powerfully influences.

Muscular System.–The congestion produced by this remedy differs from that of Aconite, or Veratrum viride.

The congestion caused by the two latter tends to inflammation, but the congestion of Gelseminum much resembles that of malarious affections, which do not go on to inflammation.

The action of the heart is at first greatly paralyzed, but afterwards it becomes quick and full.


Especially adapted to nervous, excitable, hysterical females; sensitive people and little children; to male and female onanists.

Hysteria, with spasms, palpitation of the heart, and great nervous excitability.

Head –Confusion of the mind.

Great depression of spirits in onanists, accompanied with excessive languor.

Intense congestion of the brain in children during dentition.

Nervous headache, the pain commences in the cervical portion of the spinal cord, and then spreads over the whole head. (See Sanguinaria.) (Nux V. is opposite, its pain extends from over the head, down the spine.–F.).

Great heaviness of the eyelids, it is impossible to keep them open.

Dilatation of the pupils, with blindness and vertigo.

Dimness of vision.


Amaurosis from masturbation.

Cannot get to sleep on going to bed at night, on account of thinking, which she cannot control; in sensitive people.–J.C.M.

Congestion facial neuralgia, the pains are grumbling or shooting; worse on pressure.

Sexual Organs.–Nocturnal emission and sexual dreams, followed the next day by great languor and irritability.

Involuntary emissions of semen, with or without erections, with much flaccidity and coldness of the genital organs, accompanied with great languor, and depression of spirits.

Hysterical women, with much rigidity of the os in labor.

Hysterical spasms, with great excitement and numb feeling in the extremities.

Feeling as though the heart would stop beating in a moment, if she did not walk incessantly, with a feeling of impending death.–HALE.

For sudden hysterical spasms, ten drops of the tincture in half a glass of water, a teaspoonful given every half hour, will cure about every case. Certainly if ever there was a remedy that ought to bear the name of specific, this should for hysterical spasms.

Fever.–Nervous chills, with shivering and chattering of the teeth, depending upon an irritated condition of the nerves of motion in very sensitive subjects. These chills may appear from fear or fright in healthy subjects, they often attend relaxation of the os uteri in labor.

Fever without thirst.–Wants to be still and rest, particularly with inflamed tonsils, beginning on the right side.- -J. B. BELL.

Fever, with shooting, pressive pains through the temples and nasal sinuses, with brilliancy of eyes, and loquacity.–C. H. W.

This is a very valuable remedy in intermittents, where the nervous symptoms predominate. The chill and fever are severe, but not much sweat.

Intense passive congestion of both veins and arteries, in which irritation of the congested organ sets in.

Congestive stage of pneumonia.

Irritative, remittent and intermittent fevers in very sensitive people and children, with excessive irritability and nervous erethism, with no gastric, hepatic, or visceral complications.

Progressive locomotor ataxy. Dr. Robt. J. McClatchey has found it in the low dilutions, and tincture, of great value.

Paralytic condition of the lumbar and sacral muscles in onanists.

Feeling of lightness in the body, from spinal exhaustion in onanists.

Nervous exhaustion in onanism, where it follows an emission the next day, no remedy can equal it, not even China. This I have proved by practical experience.

Electricity is said to be a complete antidote, its poisonous effects being dispelled instantly by its action.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881