EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM…


Through the posterior portion of the spinal cord, its great action is upon the muscular system (or fibrous tissues), producing great soreness and aching, and upon the gastro-hepatic system, producing a condition resembling what is known as a bilious state. It affects the whole alimentary canal, producing green, bilious stools; it also affects the kidneys. skin and bronchial mucous membrane.


Its great field of action is in bilious intermittents, with the following CHARACTERISTICS.

Intolerable aching in the back and legs, as if the bones were broken.

Severe, aching distress, and soreness of the limbs.

Calves of the legs feel as though they had been beaten; soreness and swelling of the feet.-DR. DUNHAM.

Painful soreness of both wrists, as if broken or dislocated.

These pains make the patient very restless, chill comes on in the morning, thirst several hours before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat.-HALE.

Vomiting at the conclusion of the chill.-DR. GRAY.

Vomiting after the chill is a distressing and prominent symptom, the real key to this remedy.

Very restless, can’t Keep still, although there is a great desire to do so, and is not relieved by motion.-C.B. KULER, M.D.

Little or no sweat at any time during the disease.-HALE.-DR.


Great deal of shivering and trembling during the chill.-DR.


This great chilliness shows how prominently this remedy affects the posterior spinal column; so does the intense aching and feeling as if pounded, point to the posterior spinal column.

Heavy chill early in the morning of one day, and a light chill about noon the text day.-DR. GRAY.

Vomiting of whatever is taken into the stomach, and of bile.-DR. GRAY.

Vomiting of a green liquid, several quarts at a time, with frequent green, watery stools, cramps and terrible thirst.-DR.


Vomiting of bile, with great tenderness in the epigastrium, and trembling.-DR. GRAY.

Nausea, frequent effort to vomit, extreme tenderness in the epigastrium, with fulness and tenderness in the hepatic region from portal congestion.

Tongue coated thickly yellow.

Urine scanty, dark mahogany color.- HALE.

Violent headache during the paroxysm.-DR. GRAY.

Head very sore and painful as if bruised.

Soreness of the eyeballs.-DR. DUNHAM.

Great weakness during the fever.-DOUGLAS.

Dyspnoea very great, obliging the patient to lie with his head and shoulders very high.-NEIDHARD. This shows that the functions f the vagi are much involved, so does the excessive vomiting point to the great irritation of the pneumogastric.

Influenza; great pain in the back and limbs; lassitude; skin bathed in perspiration; is pale and morbidly sensitive, and the excretions of a passive kind.-RAUE.

Great coldness during nocturnal perspiration.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881