ARNICA MONTANA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine ARNICA MONTANA…


Through the cerebro-spinal system, it especially acts upon the muscular system, fasciae and tendons; on the capillary system of the veins and arteries; on the dermoid and cellular tissue, and on the lymphatic system. No remedy can equal Arnica for those muscular pains which are so apt to occur wherever there are voluntary muscles, or their tendinous prolongations; the trunk is more commonly attacked than the limbs; abdominal walls more than the thoracic, and the legs more commonly than the arms; they are generally mistaken for the pains of neuralgia, hysteria, spinal irritation, indigestion, or disease of some internal organ. The tendinous parts are more frequently the seat of the pain than the muscular, for every muscular fibre terminates at each end in tendinous fibre, and these are inserted into the bones; hence, whenever a muscle contracts, there are four strains upon the tendinous fibre, viz, one at each end of the muscle, and one at each of its insertions into the bone, hence, these pains are four times as numerous as all the muscles in the body. When the gastrocnemius muscle of the leg has been overstretched or overstrained, the pain is confined almost exclusively to the origin and insertion of the tendo-Achilles.

When delicate females first attempt to sit up after a severe fit of illness, they are apt to get a severe pain in the aponeurosis of the trapezius, and occipital insertion of the same muscle.

The severe and unusual strain thrown upon the erector muscles of the back, while leaning over a table to cut out dress patterns; the immense muscular exertion required in the birth of a child, &c., &c. This muscular ache often reaches a high pitch of severity, so as to cause a burning pain between the shoulders for many hours. When the pain is seated in the muscle, it is aching; when it has been severely strained it is burning ache; when in the tendons, it is described as pain. The more feeble the patient, the more apt they are to have these myalgic pains.

On the Capillaries.–The capillaries may be divided into those of secretion and nutrition. Arnica affects more particularly the capillaries of secretion; hence its usefulness in hemorrhages, perspirations, mucous fluxes, dropsical effusions, &c. The capillaries are tubular continuations of the arteries, and the commencement of the veins. This accounts for the great power of Arnica to produce absorption, in extravasations of blood; effusions of serum, such as occur after falls, blows &c.

On the Dermoid and Cellular Tissue–Arnica has a powerful influence, producing a pustule very painful to touch, with a red inflamed base, resembling boils; also a vesicular eruption. The blood extravasated into the cellular tissue while in a fluid state Arnica causes the venous capillaries and absorbents to quickly take up.

Nervous System.–Affects the motor more than the sentient nervous system, as shown in paralysis from mechanical injuries, where there is more or less extravasation of blood, lymph, &c.


The true sphere of Arnica is in painful conditions of the cutis vera, and subcutaneous cellular tissue, whether traumatic or idiopathic, and its leading characteristic is inflammation of the skin and cellular tissue, with extreme tenderness; or painfulness upon pressure.–T.E.J. FRASER, M.D.

In disease of a traumatic origin the muscular fibre is chiefly involved; the pains are sore and aching.

Bad effects from strains, falls, bruises, concussions, and all mechanical injuries.

Especially adapted to sanguine plethoric persons, with lively complexions.

Acts freely upon people that are debilitated, with soft flesh and impoverished blood.

C. HERING, M.D., says, Arnica is more apt than Aconite to spoil a case. Arnica. makes a much more profound impression upon the system than Aconite.

Its real culminating action is similar to typhus fever.

Brilliant results have frequently been obtained with it in the worst forms of typhus. No Arnica should be used except such as it made from the root.

Head.–Stitches in the head, especially in the temples and forehead.

The face or head alone is hot, while the body is cool.


Bad effects from concussion of the brain.

Swellings of the cheek, with throbbing and twitching pains, swollen lips and heat in the head.–JAHR.

Bleeding from the nose.

Contusive pains in the nose from above downwards; same in the ears.–JAHR.

Hard, tensive, shining red swelling of the left cheek.– MERCY & HUNT.

Toothache; the roots of the teeth feel as if they had been scraped; face and cheek hot and swollen—HEMPEL.

Is very sensitive, with anxiety and restlessness.

Traumatic ophthalmia.

Digestive Organs.–Sensation of soreness in the stomach; and belchings, tasting like rotten eggs.

Putrid eructations as if from rotten eggs.–JAHR.

Feeling of nauseous repletion after eating.

Vomiting of dark clotted blood.–HEMPEL.

Myalgia of the stomach.

The pain comes on immediately, often during eating; the patient is weak and lax of fibre, and often has myalgia elsewhere.-.

Emissions of flatus from the anus, smelling like rotten eggs.

Stools of mucus, blood, and pus, where the muscles of the rectum are involved.

Brown urine, with brick-red sediment.

Generative Organs of Woman.–Metrorrhagia, blood feels hot as it escapes from the vulva; hard, forcing downward pains; face red, hot, while the body is cool.

Cannot walk erect on account of a bruised sore feeling in the uterine region.-.

After severe labor, great soreness of the parts.

Abortion, from mechanical injuries.

Nipples itch, and are sore as if bruised.

Men.–Traumatic injuries of the testicles.

Chest.–Hoarseness, caused by over-exertion of the voice, in persons who constantly speak or sing.–DR. KENDRICK.

Pleurisy, when the exudation consists of coagulable lymph or serous exudation.-.

Sensation of soreness of the muscles of the chest.

Myalgia of the intercostal muscles after great exertions, with a sensation as if all the ribs were bruised: short breath, pain in the chest with anxiety.–RAUE.

Haemoptysis from mechanical injuries. Skin.–Tendency to small boils; ecchymosis on various parts of the body.-.

Fever.–Typhoid fever, with the greatest indifference; putrid breath; and red spots, like suggillations on the body.-.

Gout, with the greatest fear of being struck by persons coming towards him across the room.-.

The bed or couch on which he lies feels too hard; complains constantly of it and keeps changing from place to place.–RAUE.

This last symptom is a very prominent characteristic symptom of Arnica.

Sore and bruised feeling all through the patient, as if from a bruise.

In all acute diseases brought on by mechanical injuries, Arnica should be studied thoroughly.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881