Chapter 2 – Ills & Ailings

There were two distinct rows of froth lengthwise along the tongue, which was white and thickly coated; distressing flatulence and acidity no end. The pain is said to be worst in the evening and when tired; it comes on gradually and disappears gradually, but it has two very characteristic symptoms, viz., it is worse at the seaside and rouses her from her sleep. Natrum muriaticum 6 and 30 cleaned her tongue, and caused greeny-browny- diarrhoea. Passing wind eased the pain. But after this the neuralgia was worse than ever.

June 9th. – “the pain is awful, it roused me twelve or fourteen times last night, and I have fearful acidity.”

Rx Glinicum 1000, in infrequent doses.

june 23rd. – Almost well; sleeps quite well and undisturbedly.

Rx. Rep.

July 28th. – Neuralgia gone, but her digestion is not quite happy. Has been four times vaccinated.

Rx Thuja 30

I believe there has been no return of neuralgia, which I conclude from the fact that patient, who lives quite near me, has not been to me since, which I think she certainly would have done had it returned.

Note on Glinicum

Glinicum is none other than Medorrhinum; the why multiply names? Only because I obtained the matrix of this myself from a typical case, and macerated it myself in spirit of wine, and so I know what it is and how prepared, and any one else can do the same at anytime and anywhere in the whole wide world. Furthermore, we can use the name Glinicum just as we use Met. alb., Verb. sap.

In simple georgic an bucolic times our weeds no doubt amply suffice for out ailings; but in these polyandrous days. when late marriages are the rule, and gonococcic fluxes are all over the place, we must needs go to the source of the disease for its remedy – for ubi morbus, ibi remedium is a blessed fact. Cinchona does not grow in cold wet places, that’s where we find the willow.

My indications for Gillicum are: roused in the small hours of the morning by the pain, acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath, uncleanably dirty tongue, weakness, pallor, chilliness, worse from cold wet; and moreover glin. is largely a left-sided remedy. Glin. wipes out half the cases of sciatica that pass my way. What a record!

Case of Neuralgia in a Lady Eighty- six Years of age, Cured by Bacillinum CC. and 1000

Although this case has no right to be here. I add it next to the Glinicum case to show that I do not regard Glin. as a specific for neuralgia. Every case of disease needs its own remedy, though like cases call for like remedies, so that we may nevertheless really claim to have generic specifies, if I may use this odd term.

In May, 1891, I received the following letter:-

“Dear sir, — At the instances of my friend Mr. L. of — and with the approval of my regular attendant Mr. – -, I write in the hope that you may possibly be able to give relief to my suffering during many months past, from neuralgia in the left side of my face, etc.”

“I am a widow in my eighty-six year, etc.’

Here the neuralgia did not rouse her in the small hours of the morning, but was almost always bad at bedtime. This excludes Glinicum.

Neuralgia worse from eating, talking, and laughing. Patient had been twice married, and was a widow for the second time, and in her eighty-six years, and could yet laugh! Decidedly a case worth curing!

I did not see the lady, and her regular medical attendant gave me no information (not he), though he magnanimously alluded to the unclean thing; but patient’s father died (at eighty-two) of asthma, and her mother (at forty-two) of pulmonary phthisis, and the aggravation was in the evening, so I ordered Bacill, CC., three doses in a fortnight.

June 4th.- “On the whole I think I have had fever paroxysms of pain about bedtime.

Rx Rep.

July 7th. – Nearly well.

Rx Bacill. 1000.


Fagged Womb

Near the change of the life we occasionally come across what I would call a fagged state of the uterus; the organ is weary – fagged.

Such cases are apt to be complicated with disease, but I will shortly narrate a case in which there was no disease – merely fag.

Mrs. P., aet, forty-six, came to me on March 28th, 1893, Here are the notes: “Fag, sufferings; wants to lie down; has done a good deal; husband vigorous; married late; has three children; period regular; backache; womb is thick but high up, no disease.”

Rx. Bellis per 0, 3zj. – Ten drops in water night and morning.

June 8th. – “Has done me a world of good. ”

Rx Rep.

August. – Quite well.

This morning (July 11,1897) I received a letter from a colleague in America, asking me what my indications are for the use of Bellis per.

Dear colleague.- Bellis per. is our common daisy; it acts very much like Arnica, even to the contingent production of erysipelas; it causes pain in the spleen, and generally symptoms of coryza, and of feeling very tired, person (the writer) wanting to lie down, it acts on exudates, swelling, and stasis, and hence in a fagged womb its action is very satisfactory; indeed, in the discomforts of pregnancy and of varicose veins patients are commonly loud in its praise. In the giddinesses of elderly people (cerebral stasis) it acts well and does permanent good; likewise, and particularly in fag from masturbation, in old workmen, labourers, and the overworked and fagged, it is a princely remedy. In the head -sufferings of elderly working gardeners its action is very pretty. Its action in the ill- effects from taking cold drinks when one is hot is now well known. It is a grand friend to commercial travellers, and in railway spine of moderate severity it has not any equal so far all these ailings. – Yours, etc.

P.S. – When given at night Bellis is very apt to cause the patient to wake up very early in the morning, hence I order it by preference to be taken not too late in the day. I have often cured with it the symptom “wakes up too early in the morning and cannot get off again,” and here the higher dilutions act much more decidedly and lastingly as a rule and without any side – effects, for here the action is purely homoeopathic and not simply deobstruent.

Case of Arthritic Pains

A married lady, aged fifty-four, mother of two children, came to consult me on May 24th, 1894, for arthritic pains in the left hip and outside of left thigh, and in left knee, coming that her case had come to be regarded as not likely to be cured at all. Patient was very chilly, wherefore I began with Urtica urens 0, which did not do very much good.

June 28th.- The pains are no better, they are terrible in the warmth of the bed.

Ex Luet. CC.

August 14th.- There is very great improvement.

Rx. Rep.

September 20th. – The amelioration is maintained; her nights are no longer so terrible; indeed, “Oh, how nice it is to be able to lie in bed at night without being wakened with pain.”

Rx Rep.

November 22nd,- “You have done wonders.”

Rx Rep.

At the beginning of 1895 patient’s husband informed me that the cure was perfect, and long afterwards I heard from him that she continued quite well, and could and did walk miles, and her sleep and rest at quite normal. Whether the case was really of an arthritic nature may, perhaps, be doubted. Here we have a proof for the ten thousandth time that high dilutions do act curatively, and that a well-defined characteristic symptom or keynote can lead to most brilliant cures, and the best of such keynotes is that one remember them and so save time.

The time spent with one’s nose in a repertory ought to be saved, if possible. Said a well-known gentleman on entering my consulting room one day: “I say what a lot of repertories you have; I am astonished; i have always understood that you never used repertories, and go in mostly for what you call organ -remedies.” Ah, said I, the repertory is my haven of refuge to which I fly in case of need; the more I know of the diseases themselves the less I need repertories; I live and move and have my medical being in behind the symptoms, where lies the future of Higher Homoeopathy;organ -remedies are only the bottom rung of the ladder.

Rheumatoid Arthritis after Climaxis

A maiden lady, forty-nine years old, was conducted to me by an old patient on July 23rd, 1893, when she told me she had been suffering for the past three years from rheumatic gout, crops of red lumps, with stiffness of legs and arms at the joints, accompanied by much pain, worse by day on moving, and in warm whether. The joins are swelled, and crack and grate. Used to have whites, and had influenza seven years ago.

Rx. med. 1000.

August 23rd,.- Much better. Knees much less painful; they grate less on movement, nd the lumps are gone.

No Medicine.

September 20th. -Well

No Medicine.

October 18th.- Well; discharged.

Sycosis at the Change of Life.

Mrs. X. forty- six years of age, childless, came under my observation on May, 3rd, 1897, She was vaccinated at eighteen, and from that time on to this present time she has been subject to “no end of shows,” i.e., here and there tiny bleedings from the parts. She is very passive, mentally inert; uterus enlarged.

Rx Tc. Aurum mur. 3x, 3iv. Five drops in water night and morning.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.