Chapter 2 – Ills & Ailings

The persistence of leucorrhoea after the menopause is of considerable import, and certainly betokens positive disease of the womb (or ovaries), and the same may be said of the swelling of her breasts, for there breast is an appendix to the womb, and ever there is anything wrong with the breasts I direct my attention straightway to the womb, for it is in the womb, respectively the ovaries, that the ailing is surely primarily located.

When I speak of leucorrhoea I mean leucorrhoea and not gonorrhoea. This latter is a disease introduced from without and not from the constitution, and should be killed in situ, the sooner the better, if possible.. I hold the same of the acarus disease – the pure itch- the nasty little acari are from without, and should be slain.

The Hahnemannian Doctrine of Psora Restated

The Hahnemannian doctrine of psora as usually comprehended in the ranks of really pure homoeopathy is so vague and mind – confusing that many of us have never known what to say or think about it. When I first tried to practice homoeopathically I accepted the doctrine of Psora purely and simply, and honestly believed that the itch could be, and was commonly cured dynamically by the strict Hahnemannians, and I copied their practice in this regard. Thus I kept a young lady under treatment with antipsorics, and principally with Sulphur, high, higher, and right away into the very high, for over a year, and the result? Total failure; and the parents very properly gave me up as inadequate.. Patient was quickly cured by a near medical brother with Sulphur ointment and soap and water, and I was regarded by those who knew the circumstances as a mere faddist.

I went on foe several years believing in and trying to cure he itch with the homoeopathic dilutions, and what? I failed practically in every case.

Now the test of all doctrinal medicine must be clinical, and if I cannot cure on the lines of a given doctrine I throw the doctrine over – board. But a man who owes so much to Hahnemann’s teachings as I do, hesitate much and long before discarding any of this doctrines. Hence I tried and tried, and failed time after time. Now I will take as an example what I will term my Doctrine of Ringworm; I say that Ringworm, and fungi notwithstanding, is dynamically curable by Bacillinum.

I cure case almost always. I say the same of Vaccinosis and its cure by Thuja and the like in dynamic dose. Then why cannot I do the same with itch? Well, I cannot, and for me there is an end of it. It is no use to tell me that I fail to cure itch with Sulphur 30, C, CC., & c., because I lack on the skill requisite for such work. well, let us grant that it is lack of skill on my part, then what is the use to me of a medical doctrine that is beyond my skill? Just none. The truth, for me, is that you cannot kill acari by any dynamic dose of any remedy whatsoever, and hence I have thrown the doctrine overboard.

Then is the teaching altogether false?

I would re – state the doctrine thus : You cannot cure the dynamic medication; and you must therefore kill the acari; they should be killed on the spot, the sooner the better; you cannot kill acari with dynamic remedies, and they should be killed at once. But I am NOT speaking of its concomitant constitutional eruptions brought forth by the acari, neither do I say that the acari may not poison the blood, – indeed I think they do, and therefore they should bee sulphured to death instanter.. But, and this is very important, if the acari have called forth an eruption from a previously existing internal state.

THIS eruption may NOT be got rid of by external remedies. There is the rub. Da liegt der Hund begraben! It is the surest results of suppressing the constitutional eruptions that have been called forth from their internal lurkings by the acari themselves, or by their poison, that we have to fear. If we watch cases of itch carefully we find that the cases of those of tainted constitutions get quite a number of different kinds of eruptions which were potentially there before they were infected with the acari, and these constitutions have to be mended by proper homoeopathic remedies, and their eruptions may not be driven in, but the acari must be killed by parasiticides.

The best men in the homoeopathic ranks should set to work and clear this matter up, as it trammels our progress not a little. Years ago I was the means of converting an allopathic medical man to homoeopathy; he came over bag and baggage at considerable pecuniary loss; he subsequently caught the itch and placed himself under my care, and he remained faithfully under my care for over a year, and I totally failed to cure him, whereupon he exclaimed to me – “I cannot stand it any longer, I shall go mad; look what an awful state I am in.” He then gave up homoeopathy and everything connected with it.

However, homoeopathy is true, although you cannot kill acari dynamically. I have long been tussling with this question of psora, and this is my solution of it :

The dangerous result from the suppression of true itch are in reality not from the itch itself at all, – on the contrary, the acari are poisonous little brutes that should be killed instanter. These dangerous results are from the driving in of dyscratic eruptions present in the itch – patients, but not due primarily to the itch itself, but pre -existent in the individuals suffering from the itch, and not infrequently brought out on to the cutaneous surface by the acari or their poison, though not really due thereto.

It is the source of very considerable mental satisfaction to me to have thus solved the question of psora, as now I cure the itch – the acarus disease – as quickly as possible with Sulphur ointment and soap and water, regarding it as a dirty parasitic disease impinging from without on to the individual, but at the same time do not suppress any concomitant skin trouble which is from within the organism, being there before the itch was caught, though very likely called forth by the irritating influence of the acari : that which his from without is to be cured from without; that which is from within must not be treated from without, but from within.

The re- statement of the doctrine 0f psora has no special bearing on the change of life, and it finds a place here simply because I have only now clearly seen where the truth lies.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatic gout at the change of life is indeed a very large order; a series of remedies are needed to cure the same. A sample of how I get along with them here follows : –

Mrs. X., aet. sixty-five, mother of one child, born when she was forty-one (married at forty), since when she had gone very stout and suffered from rheumatic gout ever since her menopause. Right knee and left ankle much swelled; cannot walk; dreads cold water; urine thick; is much distressed by inability to retain her urine; altogether she is in a sorry plight.

Medorrhinum 1000, in infrequent dose.

july 22nd. – Urine much clearer, and there is much less difficulty in retaining it.

Rx Rep.

August 12th. – Pains and swellings much diminished.

Rx Rep.

September 16th. – “Decidedly better,” her husband writes, “more like her old self, a good deal better all round.”

Rx. Rep.

October 19th. – Well, except that she is stiff.

Rx Bellis per.0. Ten drops in water in the forenoon.

November 25th. – Rx Bryonia 0.

December 20th. – Acid. oxalic, I.

February 2nd. 1892. – Bacill. CC.

March 1st. – “My wife is quite well of her rheumatic gout, and the water is quite comfortable, but she is weak.

Rx Ferrum picric 3x. Three drops in water three times a day.

April 11th. – “A few pains here and there, but what can you except in this heat?

Rx Salix alb.0, 3zj. Ten drops in water twice a day.

Long after, I saw this lady’s husband about his varicose veins, when he told me Mrs. X. continued free of her pains and swellings, and in very good general health. And still later, I had the same report from her stepson.

Incontinence of Urine at the Menopause

After the change of life ladies are not infrequently troubled with inability to hold their water; the causes vary considerably; and where the sweat glands are inactive Jaborandi is a good friend, as the following brilliant little cure will show :-

Countess G., verging on fifty years of age, consulted me on November 6, 1890, for inability to contain her urine, worse when she had a cold, which was then the case. The point which struck me most was her dry skin.”I never perspire,” said she. I ordered Jaborandi l, ten drops in water three times a day. To the great delight of her ladyship the medicine cured the incontinence right away.

Note on Jaborandi

I have used Jaborandi for many years – in fact I wrote a paper on it already in my allopathic days; but though I have used it long, I have not used it often; of late years I have generally used Pilocarpinum muriaticum 3x. It is my big shot in mumps. It is well known that Jaborandi causes profuse perspiration, ending in a very dry skin. I regard it merely as an organ remedy of the sweat glands, affecting also the parotid and the pancreas. I have known it long, but do not know it well.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.