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Introduction about pneumonia, its stages, homeopathic approach of treatment and guide to choose correct potency of the selected medicine by D.M.Borland….

Incipient Stage

Role and indication of Aconite, Belladonna, ferrum phos. and ipecac in hte cases of Incipient Stage of pneumonia by D.M Borland….

Frankly Developed Pneumonia

symptoms of Frank Developed Pneumonia and their corresponding homeopathic medicines have bee discussed by D.M Borland in his book Borland’s pneumonia….

Complicated Pneumonia

Important homeopathic medicines for Complicated Pneumonia cases like baptisia, hepar sulph, pulsatilla, natrum sulph and rhus tox have been described by D.M.Borland….

Late Pneumonia

role of antim Tart., sulphur, lycopodium, arsenic and kali carb in the cases of late stages of pneumonia discussed by D.M Borland….