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Homeopathy medicine Anhalonium Lewinii from William Boericke’s Pocket manual of homoeopathic materia medica, comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of all remedies, published in 1906…

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Mescal is a strong intoxicating spirit distilled from Pulque fuerte. Pulque is made from the Agave Americana of Mexico, locally known as Maguey and is the national beverage of Mexico. Indians call it Peyote. It weakens the heart, produces insanity. Its most striking effects appear in the auditory nerve for it makes each note upon the piano a center of melody which seems to be surrounded by a halo of color pulsating to the rhythm of the music” (Hom. World).

Causes a form of intoxication accompanied by wonderful visions, remarkably beautiful and varied kaleidoscopic changes, and a sensation of increased physical ability. Also visions of monsters and various gruesome forms. A cardiac tonic and respiratory stimulant. Hysteria and insomnia. A remedy for brainfag, delirium, megrim, hallucinations, with colored brilliant visions. Motor inco-ordination. Extreme muscular depression; increased patellar reflex. Paraplegia.

Mind.–Loss of conception of time. Difficult enunciation. Distrust and resentment. Lazy contentment.

Head.–Aches, with disturbed vision. Fantastic, brilliant, moving colored objects. Affected by beating time. Pupils dilated, vertigo, brain tired. Polychrome spectra. Exaggerated reverberation of ordinary sounds.


Relationship.–Compare Agave. The intoxication of Anhalonium is similar to that of Cannabis Indica and Oenanthe.

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.

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