PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. This remedy has many eruptions, squamous eruptions, pityriasis; psoriasis; ringworm, herpes circinatus. Rashes on the body like measles; scarlet fever; to this add the sore throat and glandular involvement and there appears a picture of scarletina, which will be cured when these symptoms are present.


Lycopodium acts favourably in all ages but especially upon old people and children. It acts upon people of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development, lean people leaning toward lung and liver troubles. Such people are apt to suffer form “uric acid diathesis” for which this is also a great remedy. The Lycopodium patient is sallow, sunken, with premature lines in his face; looks older than he is.


In Primary Amenorrhoea the menstruation has never occurred and puberty is delayed. The cause must be carefully sought for. It may result from absence or under development of the internal genital organs; or from some constitutional disorders like anemia, tuberculosis, rickets, chlorosis or malnutrition.


In this paper we shall deal solely with the use of various remedies given by mouth. No mention will be made of any adjuvant treatment, such as the indications for the use of forceps or the application of pressure in some of the haemorrhages. The subject will be considered under three heads: Complaints During Pregnancy, During Parturition, and During the Puerperium.


Conversely the same individual may be highly susceptible to one variety of disease but entirely resistant to others. The susceptibility or resistance of the individual varies with his physiological state or by the environmental conditions under which the two factors–invader and invaded–are brought together. Therefore, immunity can never be properly discussed without careful consideration of all modifying conditions which influence it.