EDITORIAL. Several weeks ago, while awaiting telephone connections in the doctor’s room of one of Toronto’s largest hospitals, I listened in upon a discussion by four grey-haired physicians. The subject was “the miracle drugs.” Each physician aired his views concerning his experience with one or other of these drugs. They discussed the pros and cons, and there were many cons.


EDITORIAL. The Recorder intends no slight to Dr. Moore whose past services are deeply appreciated. But by his election to the office of President of the International Hahnemannian Association, Dr. Moore has been reserved for a greater honor than can be paid him in these pages. The Recorder fully concurs in the choice of Dr. Moore as leader of the Association for the coming year and extends him its best wishes, assuring him of full cooperation at all times.


EDITORIAL. It is strange that others should appreciate these qualities more than the doctors apparently do. It is unfortunate that this classic, for such it really is, should become obsolete. A new Boenninghausen Club should be formed to make it live again. This, and Dr. Green’s Homoeopathy; Philosophy; Practice, it should be advertised in every issue of the Recorder, if not in other homoeopathic journals.


EDITORIAL. The pylorus and duodenum were removed and the jejunum brought up and stitched to the stomach, after the ulcer had been cut out and the edges sewed together. The above we have from our surgeon as the patient was not conscious of even going to or coming from surgery.


COMMUNICATION. The Board has therefore asked the Parliament to pass a bill which will practically stop all sale and manufacture of homoeopathic drugs in this country. Whether the Parliament will pass that bill remains, however, to be seen, since on a couple of previous occasions it has taken a rather understanding attitude towards homoeopathy.


EDITORIAL. Several weeks ago, while awaiting telephone connections in the doctor’s room of one of Toronto’s largest hospitals, I listened in upon a discussion by four grey-haired physicians. The subject was “the miracle drugs.” Each physician aired his views concerning his experience with one or other of these drugs.


SELECTION OF RUBRICS FOR REPERTORIZATION. I have compared two methods of approach to therapeutic problems, namely the empirical without a broad general concept that tends to bring order out of its findings, and the homoeopathic which uses experiments upon human beings in health, records its findings in lay terms, thus avoiding the need to throw away all its experimental evidence with the next change in the interpretation of symptom complexes, and is operating under a broad concept of what we consider a law of nature. The unavoidable size of our task is emphasized and a method that saves tie tote busy physician is suggested.


COMPOUND RUBRICS AS AIDS TO YOUR PRESCRIPTION. It is certain that only a punch card repertory can give you the compound synthetic rubric obtained above in so short a time. Once this synthetic rubric has been obtained, you can spend your time differentiating from the remedies uncovered with the assurance that each one is similar to the sufferings of your patient in all five ways.


EDITORIAL. The writer uses but two pamphlets (besides literature furnished by The National Physician’s Committee concerning officialized medicine). Of these the one most remarked about was Homoeopathy, originally issued by The Boenninghausen Club and now from some motive or other discontinued by The American Foundation for Homoeopathy.


FOREIGN NEWS. Homoeopathic visitors are asked to remember that meetings are usually held on the 10th of April every year and they are cordially invited to take part in any of the programs. Dr.Amaro Azevedo, Past President of the Pan American Homoeopathic Medical Congress, is President of the Brazilian Congress this year.


EDITORIAL. The brain in constantly working to keep equilibrium, chemical, thermal and mental, making adjustment for any trend away from normal, during all periods from birth to the time of our show or sudden demise. As long as it can keep on this even keel, we enjoy health, a harmonious state where all organs are working to best advantage.