On another occasion we derived immense benefit from this remedy. In 1933, a gentleman after trying other systems of treatment came to my hand for a kind of Dermatitis. He was 40 and had been enjoying good health all along save and except constipations, which used to give him much trouble occasionally. The eruptions very closely appeared on the neck, back and on the buttock.


ABROMA AUGUSTA IN DYSMENORRHOEA. According to the Treasury of Botany, Abroma belongs to the Sterculiaceae family. They are “small trees having hairy lobed leaves, and terminal or axillary clusters of yellow or purple flowers. a. augusta is the Wollut Cornul, or Wollut Cumal of the Bengalese. Its bark abounds with strong white fibres which afford excellent cordage.” Dr. Sinha places the plant in the Tiliaceae.