Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris is a disease affecting the heart and sometimes it leads man to sudden death. It is a very dangerous type of disease, man becomes almost insane with pain, cannot explain his symptoms correctly, with short rapid breathing, he leans on the table or on the floor, twisting his body this side and that. Worry seems to be an acting factor in causing it. Rich men, (without physical activity) business men or shopkeepers, leading life of strain and emotion, eating, drinking and smoking, taking butter, sweets, pork to excess, suffer from it.

Case Report

Aggravation: – early hours of the morning, after sunset, serious on a cloudy day and during rainfall. Nux-v., Carbo-veg., Causticum, Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Sulphur failed to give any marked relief. Natrum Sulphuricum;- 200, three doses every 4 hours for three days brought most satisfactory results. Natr. Sulf. 1000 removed all his troubles.