STOMATITIS. At present the gums and buccal mucous membrane are red and inflamed; and there are several gumboils and aphthous ulcerations which caused much soreness. Throbbing pain in experienced at the base of the gumboils. She can not take solid food on account of the pain and confines herself to a light, farinaceous vegetable diet.


LOST VISION RESTORED. The child then developed pneumonia and had allopathic treatment. His symptoms subsided but, when he got well, it was observed that the child had weak vision and convergent squint. In his 7th year, when the boy was sent to school, it was further observed that he had practically no vision in the left eye, although the eye ball and its appendages were examined and determined to be healthier than the right eye.


HEADACHE-BILIOUSNESS. The permanent cure in this case was evidently due to the constitutional prescription. The cure was very simple and nature adapted her mode of treatment to the necessities of an exceptional constitution as soon as the remedial stimulus (Nux vomica) exhibited it s action. The over-section of bile had become a habit but had no facility of exertion.