Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Notice in the pre-natal stage the over-anxiety produced in the minds of pregnant mothers; that anxiety disturbs their psychology and leaves its impress on the coming child. The physician should not so disturb, but rather reassure, the mother. The state is a normal one and should be so recognized.


Dr. Kent used to say that, although he had been teaching The Organon for years, he never went over it “without discovering some new thought in harmony with the general teaching”. Today, as never before, thoughtful doctors are willing to listen to “principles that are at once plain and intelligible”. They are willing to consider cures, and to learn of those who are “guided by evident reasons”.


Only four weeks before the home-call she was in her office. During the days in which she was confined to bed her message repeatedly was, “Tell the members of the International Hahnemannian Association and of the American Foundation for Homoeopathy to be true to God, to homoeopathy and to one another.”.