
Homeopathic Drugs camphor, Arsenic album.,Hydrocyanic Acid, Veratrum Alb.,Ipecacuanha and Nux Vomica indicated in different stages of cholera….


Hahnemann’s second anti-spasmodic cholera remedy is Cuprum. Here Leopold Salzer In his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment, gave the full detail of symptoms and constitution type of Cholera….


Dr. Hale of Chicago first drawn our attention to a wonderful drug for cholera that is Ricinus. Ricinus is prepared from the seeds of the castor oil plant and occupying a place as Euphorbia, Jatropha, Croton Tiglium, or Veratrum in cases of Cholera….


Cholera has been categorized by it’s symptoms and pathogenesis into various varieties.Leopold Salzer In his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment discussed it in detail. …


In the Introduction of his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment, Leopold Salzer described the efficacy of Homeopathic treatment in epidemics of Cholera in Various places of world….

Vital Losses

How every system of the body get affected with severe loss of water and minerals in cases of Cholera has been described by Leopold Salzer In his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment….


After knowing the pathology and complications of Cholera cases, Leopold Sulzur discussed the role of homeopathy in such cases. Dr. Hempel, Dr. Russell also shared their experiences of homeopathic treatment of cholera….


Role of Camphor in different types of cholera- spasmodic or non spasmodic. Cases from various doctors have also been presented by Leopold Salzer In his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment….


Leopold Salzar discussed here a serious condition of Cholera Collapse and role of homeopathic medicine Carbo veg for the same in his book Cholera and it’s Homeopathic treatment….