HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES INDICATED IN EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. The exophthalmos when present for some months may never completely disappear and is more long-lasting in cases where the gland is much enlarged and pressure has taken place. This is true for cases treated by surgery or by medication.


THE PROBLEM CHILD. It is a terrible loss to the children of the present day that they are unable to receive good homoeopathic prescribing. Surgery is splendid when needed. The advances in modern medical treatment for acute cases at times appear to be curative, or at others suppressive; but nothing yet conceived can compare with the indicated similar remedy.


BORDERLINE HEART CASES. Modern developments in the field of medicine and homoeopathy features the Southern scientific program on Tuesday. Dr. Amaro Azevedo, physician to the President of Brazils family, was given half a page in the Memphis newspapers as he spoke on smoking as a causative factor of disease with particular stress on angina and arteriosclerosis.


CONFIRMATION-A CASE REPORT. Digging in the garden, painting, sanding, etc., brings on this pain acutely. After prolonged physical examinations in the Navy he was discharged-no diagnosis. After discharge he consulted specialists and was re-examined in our large Military Hospital.


STRYCHNINUM PHOSPHORICUM. In the Strychninum phosphoricum patients we get a combination of these Phosphorus ebullitions and of the sudden, violent, muscular contractions of the Strychninum element. These are not the little jerks which affect the hand, arm or foot, but they are sudden, violent, muscular contractions which come like lightening and are gone as fast. They come in the larynx but more often in the lower thorax, and are probably seated in the diaphragm.


PICRIC ACID. In the head we have a great amount of pain. Some of the symptoms suggest supraorbital and occipital neuralgia with shooting pains, pains relieved by pressure and bandaging the head. Other and more fixed type of pain is in the nape and occiput, worse toward evening. This headache is quite violent, is worse form mental exertion, and the patient is generally tired. This pain is intense and throbbing and bursting.


INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IN ELDERLY PEOPLE. Obstruction occurs very suddenly as a rule, and the first time will usually be relieved by different and frequent enemeta. It may be that this attack is the first time the patient has found it necessary to call in his physician, and it is the duty of the physician to insist upon further and full investigation following the relief of the obstruction, for this is the time when his life may be saved or prolonged for some years if the diagnosis is established and he is operated upon at once.


HOMOEOPATHY IN THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER. Nearly all these acute rheumatic fever cases sweat so profusely that this symptom does not constitute a strange, rare and peculiar one which may guide to the selection of the remedy. When this sweating is very marked, and when the tongue is swollen and indented showing teeth marks, we must study and frequently prescribe Mercurius.


It is present over each knuckle, patella and olecranon process, and just above the coccyx. Calc. fluor. 3x., 2 tablets every three hours, caused most of these cartilaginous deposits to suppurate away. There came first an opening in the skin over the swelling, and then discharged a thin serous looking fluid for about a week. During this time the swelling dwindled in size, until when it was all gone, the skin healed over.


I believe this remedy can be used more frequently in our general practice with very quick and favorable results in many acute cases, chiefly children, where the disease is debilitating to a marked degree, and when other remedy indications are not clearly called for.


In the daily routine of our homoeopathic practice we meet with many patients who are really desirous of being relieved or cured of their ailments. There are also a certain percent of patients who are not so much interested in getting relief, as they are in the investigation of their symptoms.


The remedies most often needed for the neuralgia sufferers are Belladonna, spigelia, Gelsemium, Plantago and Rhus tox. Those for the actual chronic sinus are Silicea, Calcarea, Pulsatilla, Kali sulph., Kali iod., Kali bi. and Hepar sulphur. With these remedies, and the cooperation of the patient, no further puncturing or lavage of the sinuses is ever needed.


Our stumbling-block is not always the failure to select the right remedy, but our lack of faith in the power of the dynamized drug. Why should we be afraid to give potencies to our patients? Why should we speak in whispers of having made cures with high potencies? The chances are they will not be cures in the true sense unless we have used potencies.


The summing up of these four characteristics, namely, extreme sensitiveness to pain and touch, extreme weakness in general, and in particular parts, and the sticking pains, make this remedy out alone in the field to tissue destroyers. No other remedy has these symptoms all combined.


The mental symptoms are the key to the use of this remedy. All acute cases exhibit in greater or less degree, the fear of death or apprehension. If the patient wants the doctor he wants him in a great hurry, he is afraid he will suffocate or that he is getting pneumonia, or he may not fear death, but he is afraid, wants help and wants it right away.


It happens at times, however, that complications of a very serious nature develop, and of these in abdominal operations, persistent vomiting and hiccough are the most important. They are usually caused by a focus of infection at the site of the operation. There is some degree of peritonitis present, which endangers the patients life. He must be examined for pneumonia as well.