Arsenic is not as often indicated in ulcerations of the throat as many other drugs, rarely in the early stages of diphtheria; it is valuable in the later stages with profound prostration, especially if the membrane of the throat becomes dry with burning thirst, irritable stomach, profound prostration, or with albuminuria and dropsy. Inflammation of the esophagus, with spasmodic stricture on swallowing food, burning.


Violent coryzas, fluent, acrid, ichorous, nostrils very sore, with constant desire to bore into the nose and to pick it. Nose completely stopped with fluent acrid discharge. In any fever, with terrific pain over root of nose; nose and throat feel raw. In scarlet fever and in diphtheria the nose becomes ulcerated with an offensive excoriating discharge; the patient is constantly working at the nose.


INFLUENZIN. The two letters herewith were rescued from an old letter file. They seem too valuable to be lost because of the intrinsic value of the material contained therein, and because of the ability of the writer. Both letters were written by the late Guy Berkley Stearns, M.D., president of the Foundation for Homoeopathic Research.


SELDOM USED NOSODES. One snake poison that has been very seldom prescribed is Buthus australis. It has done excellent work in a case of hysteroepilepsy. Boericke and Tafel have it in stock. An old Journal of The American Institute of Homoeopathy has as incomplete proving thereof.


In the yolk of eggs it occurs with vitellin, but is here apparently not closely bound. A certain similarity thus exists between the lecithins and the nucleins: both combine with the albumins to form more complex substances; both contain phosphorus in their molecules. The lecithins occur widely distributed in both the animal and vegetable world.

Streptococcus Meningitis – Recovery

Streptococcus Meningitis – Recovery. It is highly desired that someone who has access to homoeopathic literature should compile a list of course of streptococcic meningitis where the homoeopathic remedy has been administered. I suggest that these cases be in two classes: one to contain only those in which the proper laboratory examinations have been made to establish the diagnosis; the other to contain those where the laboratory examinations have not been made, but in which the history and physical examination make it highly probable that the meningitis is streptococcic in etiology.