Using Digitalis to the Best Advantage

Using Digitalis to the Best Advantage. Digitalis is, without doubt, the most useful remedy in the treatment of heart failure. It is almost a specific in some forms of cardiac disease. Now, even more than ever before, digitalis is the one physiopathologic drug in all cases of cardiac derangement in which failure is the predominant note. For the greatest measures of success digitalis must be given in appropriate cases and in proper doses. Otherwise, one cannot expect the full benefit of its use.


The drug which melts away fat is likely to produce heart disease; cancer is not being brought to heel by radium, the use of which is exceedingly dangerous, because, while it eliminates cancer locally, it aggravates it fearfully by driving it all over the body; and the stoppage of pain by cutting through the nerves is nothing very wonderful – unfortunately it often leads to blindness in cases of facial neuralgia and to local paralysis.