Especially is this true since it is well recognized that constant or repeated pain, like constant fears, has as profound effect on the body as on the mind. Many severe infections attack the aged with only mild or even with no temperature elevation. Dont ever lose sight of the fact that aged patients are commonly afflicted with more than one disease, e.g., heart failure, hypertension, nephritis and diabetes.

Homoeopathic Therapy in Neurocirculatory Asthenia

Homoeopathic Therapy in Neurocirculatory Asthenia. The philosophy of medicine and of homoeopathy is a very fascinating subject and a very important subject, but after all the final test of any method of medical practice is the way in which it acts at the bedside. We may theorize all we please as to what a certain system of practice or a certain substance ought to do, but that actually counts, and what in my opinion does more for homoeopathy than anything else, is the actual curative results that we get with our patients.