This is not detracting in any way from the great and unsurpassable knowledge handed down from Hahnemanns time. It is merely stating an observation and expressing perhaps what Hahnemann himself postulated in another way. Hahnemann said that to cure a case, all causes must be removed where possible. I call this the drug miasm.


The family readily told me that at noon each day the osteopath had been in, readjusted the spine, vigorously massaged an old indurated area around a large carbuncle scar on the back of the neck and generally worked the patient over. So this was the complication.


The Potassium salts have more relation specifically to the solid tissues than to the fluids of the body; to the blood corpuscle rather than to the blood plasma. The fibrous tissues are particularly affected, the ligaments of joints, of the uterus, and of the back. It corresponds to conditions in which these tissues are relaxed – joints give way; the back feels as if broken; the patient feels compelled to lie down, even in the street.