That brings me to the last of my descriptions of vivisection. It is an immoral practice because it is based upon the untenable theory, the immorality of which the whole world is agreed, that the strong can exploit the weak to the advantage of those in power.


“What strikes us most in considering the mediaeval tortures is not so much their diabolical barbarity, which it is indeed impossible to exaggerate, as the extraordinary variety, and what may be termed the artistic skill they displayed. Animals living in the wild state rarely or never develop goitre.


The fight for reform is never an easy one, and the fight for this reform is perhaps the most difficult that mankind has had to wage, because in this particular reform it is the dumb for which we fight; it is for those who have no voice to raise in their own defence; it is for those who are in our power, and who are absolutely at the mercy of our moral attitude towards their sufferings, and their tortures.