To this end how essential to know the history of the parents and relatives, and to link the symptoms of childhood and youth with those of old age. To advise in matters of diet as well, so that a properly balanced ration may prevent nervous diseases in the early part of life or the hardening of arteries and uncontrollable conditions in the aged.

Case Of Plain Doctoring Contrasted With Cures Based On Scientific Facts

Several years ago I was called to see a patient suffering from violent pains over the left eye and the left side of the head. For seven weeks previous to the time I saw her she had had severe pains in that part of the head which drove her frantic, finally clusters of watery – like blisters appeared upon the forehead over the left eye, where there was a large scar when I called and so it is to this day. From this history had nightly aggravation and much restlessness, I gave her Rhus tox., which helped, but I was a long time overcoming the distressing condition, and gave several remedies during the following six weeks.