Alum, gastro-enteritis, whooping cough, 35.
Ammonium chloride, tenderness, coated tongue, 37.
Antimonium tart., mucus and bile, 43.
Arnica mont., soreness, malaise, 48.
Arsenic, gastro-intestinal inflammation, 52.
Bicarbonate of soda, in infants, one-half to one drachm in pint of milk.
Bismuth of potash, nervous, irritable patients, 174. Calcarea carb., with wasting, 71.
Camphor, cholera, poor heart action, 76.
Cannabis Ind., nervous, 78.
Capsicum, torpor of stomach and intestines, 81.
Change diet.
Chloral, much nausea, 86.
Chloroform, 87.
Cinchona, malaria, 90.
Cocaine, pregnancy, 95.
Cocculus, vertigo, 97.
Creosote, cancer of stomach, Bright’s disease, 106.
Cuprum, pregnancy, 108.
Ferrum, atonic state, 115.
Hydrocyanic acid, 23.
Ipecac, acute catarrh of stomach, 144.
Mercury, after improper food, white stools, 130.
Morphia, pregnancy, 159.
Nux vomica pregnancy, chronic catarrh, 153.
Opium, diseases of the stomach, 159.
Peppermint, 149.
Pulsatilla, acid risings, weak digestion, 176.
Podophyllum, bilious, 170.
Wash stomach by giving at once six or eight glasses of tepid water.