Acetanilidum, of much service, see caution, 18.
Aconite, acute inflammatory states, of great value, 28
Amyl nitrite, chill of intermittent fever, 39.
Antistreptococcic serum.
Arnica mont, asthenic states with soreness, 48.
Arsenic, chronic, with exhaustion, 53.
Camphor, weak pulse, 76.
Cold baths, packs and sponging.
Diet, gruels and fruit juices exclusively.
Digitalis, cyanosis late in disease.
Gelsemium, soft pulse, drowsiness, moist tongue, 119.
Ice bag to head.
Nitric acid, low, continuous, 24.
Purgative, calomel, salts.
Quinine, malarial, often of great service where cause is doubtful, 90. Salicylic acid, rheumatic, 26.
Santonin, with gastric irritation, 181.
Strychnia to support heart late in continued fevers.